Has anybody had hair loss following surgery?

I and 3 1/2 months rny post-op. I am 5' 10" and was 303 lbs on surgery day. Today I am 220. While I have NEVER vomited or dumped (and I ahve eaten everything imaginable) I am having my hair thinning out. I take my multiple and b-12 everyday. My hair is not falling out in the traditional thinning areas, it appears to definately be because of the weight loss. Please help me stop it!!!! I eat lots of protein (cheese, chicken, fish, red meat).    — David C. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
Hair loss is very common several months after surgery. I've heard various reason but nothing hard science could prove. Pick up some Biotin from your local health food store 600-1200 caps should do you just fine. Kathi
   — Kathi S.

June 6, 2002
My hair started thinning also. I started using a special shampoo. They say to eat the 60 grams of protein every day. I think it's from the anethesia. Anyway, my hair started getting thicker as time passed.
   — Betty Todd

June 6, 2002
There have been several reasons stated as to why it falls out. I know that I have had 6 surgeries with hair loss after each one. And as much as it is falling out, I never go bald like I think will happen. At the rate that it falls out, I get really paranoid about it. Mine just stopped falling out. It lasted month 3-6. I have heard several suggestions ranging from increasing protein, biotin and zinc combo, Hair Skin and Nails from GNC, and special shampoos. I have also seen mixed 'reviews' from all of the products. Maybe they don't really work. Maybe it is individual. I guess it won't hurt to try though. My hair is really thin now, but I have LOTS of new growth (they stick straight up:~).
   — Cheri M.

June 7, 2002
I am at a little over 4 months and have been experiencing hair loss for a few weeks now. It's picking up in intensity and although I have a short hairstyle, I think it is thinning where it is noticeable. I, too, have heard mixed reviews on biotin, some even saying that it seemed to increase their hair loss. I believe the hair loss is from the shock and anesthesia during surgery. I had the same thing happen to me a year and a half ago after a back surgery. You just have to ride it out-usually for a good 3 months. We can always buy a wig!
   — Cindy R.

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