Anyone have a list of questions to ask the nutritionist?

Hi all. Surgery is next week. I meet with the Nutritionist on Friday. I've seen lists of questions for the surgeon's, but what should I ask the Nutritionist?    — emilyfink (posted on June 4, 2002)

June 4, 2002
I just saw my nutritionist I don't have a surgery date yet. But I was angry that this particular person was clueless on diet after my surgery. I really suggest you bring info on gastric bypass surgery with you. So they can get an idea of how extensive your diet will be. So this is what I asked her. 1) How long do stay on liquid diet after surgery? 2) What types of protein shakes are healthy ? 3) Vitimin supplements? 4) Prevent dumping? 5) what soft foods are best after liquid diet that won't upset my stomach? 6) how much protein should I be taking in every day. 7) Foods to avoid? hope this helps
   — sheri B.

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