When is the vomitting going to stop?

I am 9 weeks post-op and I am still having problems getting sick. I eat my food and then I start to feel sick and vomit. When is it ever going to stop? Please help!!    — Crystal D. (posted on June 4, 2002)

June 4, 2002
Hi I am not sure if this helps but I was getting sick alot when eating. I was getting to the point that i did not want to eat . I found that if i cut all foods up even my fruit into very small pieces and ate slow and chewed well all went down and stayed down . I no longer drink a half hour before or after . THere are some foods my new tummy just will not take yet at 8 weeks post ob and that is meat or anything fried or uncooked vegs . I am doing better with each day . Life is returning to normal finely :-)))))))) Learn what that new tummy likes and work around those foods
   — sallie P.

June 4, 2002
Have you talked to the Doc yet because it sounds to me like you are closing and need to be stretched. call soon.
   — Sharon F.

June 4, 2002
I am almost 3 months post op and began vomiting 6 weeks ago. You need to contact your surgeon. I have to go for an endoscopy tomorrow as they think there might be an area of narrowing preventing the food from passing through as it should. Good Luck!
   — Melanie E.

June 4, 2002
Same thing happened to me. I was doing fine for a few weeks and then started throwing up. I had the endoscopic dilation done and ate real food for the first time today and didn't get sick. However, I should tell you. I had my dilation done last friday. After the procedure I went home, but was driven by ambulance back to the ER 2 hours later and faced open surgery. Luckily for me, I was educated about WLS and upon MY suggestions, I did not have to have surgery. I was lucky everything turned out the way it did, but I was in a life threatening situation due to the scope making a little hole inside of me and released free air into my diaphram. Good luck to you.
   — Tina P.

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