I'M APPROVED! Quick question.....

OMG! I got an email from my surgeon's office today and not only am I approved, but I am scheduled for June 12th! How do you deal with this quick date? Also, I am going to Texas on July 14th for business. Do you think that's enough time to recooperate?    — emilyfink (posted on June 4, 2002)

June 3, 2002
i ahve not had surgery yet but if you were informed then you should know that you will be in the hospital at least 3-5 days depending on your surgery. Please talk to your surgeon or you wont know what to do till the last minute. Hope all works out!!!
   — Jenna M.

June 3, 2002
Go for it! The hardest part of the surgery for me was the waiting, so I would have loved a surprise like yours. I wouldn't worry about your business trip, either. I was more than ready to go back to work 3 weeks after surgery. Everyone's experience is different, so talk to your doctor, but if the doc says OK, GO FOR IT!
   — Debbie C.

June 3, 2002
That will give you a month. You will be tired and weak (like you just got over the flu) but you will be able to do it!! I know business and for your own sake don't drink. I got a severe hangover after having 2 drinks at 1mo post op.---Good luck
   — Robert L.

June 3, 2002
I traveled two weeks after my WLS and didn't have any problems. I hope your having it done laparascopically; that makes recovery time so much quicker. Good luck!
   — rebeccamayhew

June 4, 2002
That's a month--you should be fine. But don't plan to sightsee much! I went back to work two weeks after surgery, but went home every night after work and collapsed into bed. You may find that after a day of meetings you just want to sleep. But you should do fine.
   — PT LawMom

June 4, 2002
First of all are you haveing lap or open? I am 3 1/2 weeks post op lap. I was back to work 14 days after surgery and OK to travel on business three weeks post op. I will be traveling on business next week and I feel fine to go. The doctor said just keep it short flights for the first 6 weeks. Feel free to email me with any questions.
   — Linda A.

June 4, 2002
CONGRADULATIONS ON YOUR APPROVAL! I am still pre-op, so listen to those who have already experienced the surgery. I would think that if you are having LAP and didn't push yourself you could probably make the trip. Just make sure that you take fantastic care of yourself during your recovery and make absolute sure that you are truly up to it. Keep in mind that you won't have the comforts of home so if you are still feeling discomfort or sickness you'll probably feel worse since you aren't in your home environment....BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
   — karmiausnic

June 4, 2002
I fought my insurance company for nine months. When I finally got approval, I too had a very quick date. Personally I was happy as it gave me less time to be nervous about it. ;)
   — Danmark

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