Slow Office Staff....

My surgeon's office has had all of my information and letters for almost a month. The office manager keeps telling me she is submitting to insurance, but every time I call Aetna, they don't have it. Then I call her back and she says she didnt have a chance to send it "but I will today." Then, the same thing. What can I do? Just keep calling and bothering this woman?    — emilyfink (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
Well, the only thing I can think of is offer to come down and get the paperwork she has ready and make the submittal for her. You can even offer to make any copies she needs made. Other than that, you are kind of at her mercy. You don't want to make an enemy of her because if (god forbid) you need to do an appeal you will need her help.
   — cathleent

May 28, 2002
I agree with the previous poster. You must be an advocate on your own behalf. You are not that office managers priority, but you are your own priority. Politely and graciously call the office manager and offer to xerox and put the package together, leave them a copy and take the original with you! Tell her you have a contact at Aetna that you are hand-delivering the package to. Good luck.
   — JoanneML

May 28, 2002
Emily...yes bother them till they do it...I just got done with the same problem...she kept saying..oh I swear I'll do it today...I swear...3 weeks later..I finally asked if there was something I could do to expedite the process and she said she could not find the I called the insurance company...and got it and emailed her right back with thing you do want to remember..and I had to strain to do so..this person does hold your application pretty much in sometimes killing them with kindness is a good I am just trying to kill the insurance company!!
   — Jessica L.

May 28, 2002
Emily, I tried contacting you a few weeks ago, to help. You are probably calling the wrong dept for Aetna, you need to call patient management, member services does not have all the information. Member services only gets the 'completed' information. If medical review is still in the process of reviewing it then member services WONT have the information yet.
   — Kim S.

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