why am i so tired all the time

im 4 weeks and no energy. why am i so tired. following my diet to a t. when will it get better?    — matt C. (posted on May 20, 2002)

May 20, 2002
i am 18 days post op, and i am exhausted ALL the time. i called the dr today and they said to go with what my body says. this was a MAJOR trauma to the body and if your tired, sleep. your body knows what it needs and obviously needs sleep. this is a major concern for me too. i want to go back to work, but there's no way i could even work part of the day right now. I'm gonna give it another week and hope i feel better.
   — candymom64

May 20, 2002
I am three months out now and the same thing happened to me. I had to lay down and rest in the afternoon or when I got home from work, not sleep just rest for two months, after that it got better. Don't give just rest when you can. The B12 shots help me to.
   — Sharon L.

May 20, 2002
Aside from having been run over by the surgery truck? Well, how much in protein supps are you getting in? HOw much water? If you're getting in sugars, those can leave you feeling like a wet rag, too.
   — vitalady

May 20, 2002
I am 8 wks post-op and had this same problem. Here is my doctor's answer: Our bodies can not function solely from the small amounts of food we eat - it's new energy source is our stored fat. Consequently, it takes the body a long time to adjust to getting it's energy source from it's STORED sources (the fat on our body). This adjustment causes great fatigue to the body. I was assured the fatigue will lift when my body adjusts to it's new energy source and I will have lots of energy.
   — Judith H.

May 20, 2002
You will be tired the first 3 months of your surgery-that is normal per my Dr. Eat what you are supposed to eat and you will regain your energy-I am 5 months post -op and my energy level is great.
   — jjpj497

May 21, 2002
My doc said the same thing that Judiths Doc said. He also added that keep drinking the amount of water you are, but add a glass or two of apple juice or white grape juice each day. As far as recovery, I could have gone back to work at two weeks, but I took off two more just because I was so tired and drained all the time. After about a month, my body adjusted and I was back to normal.
   — RebeccaP

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