Will I be able to take Nasonex or Claritin after surgery?

I have severe nasal allergies to dust, pets, mold, pollen, LIFE... Will I be able to take my Nasonex post-op? If I go a couple of days without my meds, I have sneezing fits and am pretty much as miserable as if I had the flu. I'm afraid that if I go into one of my sneezing fits, I might pop a staple or something! Please help! Thanks.    — MoLyn (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 16, 2002
Hi, I have almost the same problem as you. I was taking allegra, but I found out that our bodies post-op cannot sustain a time release tablet, it passes through to quickly, so it really doesnt benefit you. Try something like Nasacort or ask your surgeon whats best for you to take. Post-op Open Rny 1yr
   — lynbaby B.

May 16, 2002
Isn't Nasonex a nasal spray? If so, I would think you can take it post-op since it is an oral medication. The pain med I was discharged from the hospital with after my Lap RNY was Stadol Nasal Spray and it worked like a charm. Best wishes to you!
   — Heather H.

May 16, 2002
Claritin, at least the 10 mg little pill, is NOT a time released drug. So I would say that as soon as you are cleared for pills, you would be able to start on them again...and in the mean time, you could always crush them, and maybe add them to your protien drink--that's what I will probably do. I take the claritin, I also have the flonase, but have yet been able to bring myself to shoot that stuff up my nose!
   — Sarah P.

May 16, 2002
Ask your Dr. about it. I have mild allergies, but they are starting to flare up now that it is spring. I haven't used Claritin since surgery (not because of surgery but I don't like the side effects caused by it long before), but nasonex should be OK because it is just a nasal spray, I have used it a few times since WLS. I just got a prescription for patonol for eyedrops that help too, and take over the counter benedryl, at night (it knocks me out so that is the only time I dare take it.)
   — Dell H.

May 17, 2002
My six year old son takes Claritin. He uses the 10mg Reditabs. They are very simple to take. They just dissolve on your tongue. (not under it, but on it). These should be easy to take post op. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

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