Does anyone have a problem choking?

When I lay down and there is anything in my stomach it comes back into my lungs and I wake up choking (like when you get water down the wrong pipe) it is horrible and I cough and cough until it comes out of my lungs. I have to sleep sitting straight up until my stomach is empty. I am three years out with a starting weight of 335 and currently at 208. I am 5'5" female. I would like to have gotten down to 150 but stopped losing at about 14 months out. I had the lap. Mini Gastric Bypass. Anyone out there with similar symptoms???    — Lori H. (posted on May 14, 2002)

May 14, 2002
Yes, I've experienced this when I went to bed too soon after eating. The first time it happened it scared me because I was coughing so much, but I believe it is similar to acid reflux. I have no problems if I don't eat a few hours before bed. Have you tried that? Good luck!
   — rubymoonca

May 14, 2002
I know how you feel. I had sleep aptena and acid reflux pre op. So far, I've not had ether once as a post op. I really think you should see a doctor about this. Seems very wrong to have this post op.
   — Danmark

October 2, 2003
I there, I went through the exact same stage with severe acid reflux and had to sleep sitting almost straigt up. I was up every 15 - 20 minutes gagging, choking and dry heaves. I never ate before I went to bed, that helped. But the key to success was WHY? I started to take tranquilizers and it all disappeared. I think it was nerves prompting it. I do not have it any more. It lasted about three months and stopped. I was on nexium which in the beginning helped. But the tranquilizers were the real key. You need to see your Dr. Better to be safe than sorry.
   — SnoJo S.

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