It just seems like such a lot of weight to lose.

Would love to hear what weight you started at and how much you lost and in what time frame. I realize everyone is different but I am just looking for some support that there are others who have lost over 200 pounds with WLS. I am 5 months out and down 101 pounds but am still looking to lose about 100 more to be 'near' a normal weight. Thanks.    — ann M. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
I know just how you feel! I started out at almost 500 pounds (and hit 500 while in the hospital bloated on fluids!). I am 4.5 months out and I am down about 115 pounds. Even though I've lost 'a cheerleader' (small person) I feel sort of overwhelmed by the amount that I have to lose. I knew it wouldn't fall off over night, but I just try to remind myself that losing 100 pounds is better than staying at 500 or even worse - gaining more weight! Congratulations on your loss so far - I wish you the absolute best of luck!
   — Pamela P.

May 9, 2002
I am 5 months post-op and have lost 100 pounds exactly. I still have about a 100 to go to be "normal" too. I am thrilled about the 100 and realize that I probably won't lose all the rest, but I will continue to do the best I can. I am 55 years old and have been on tons of diets and have lost and regained the same weight so many times I lost count. Never before have I lost even 100 pounds much less in 5 months. So I am looking forward to the next months and am raring to get below 200.
   — Patty_Butler

May 9, 2002
I am pre-op, so I obviously haven't lost this much; however, my friend has lost 179 pounds since February 2001. She started at 326 and is now at 147. Not quite 200, but really close. Hope that gives you some encouragement! I would be happy to give you her website if you want to contact me.
   — K. Joyce Smith

May 9, 2002
I am 13.5 months post op (open RNY) and have lost 177 lbs. so far. I have 40 to goal.
   — Terissa R.

May 9, 2002
I had surgery the same day you did, and I am also down 101 lbs. I would like it to go off faster, but I would have never lost this weight this fast any other way.Our nutritionist only wants us to lose 2 lbs per week, she feels we will have better long term success. I would like to lose 180-215 more so I have a long time road ahead of me I am looking forward to this journey. Best of luck for you journey I know you will make it.
   — mc H.

May 9, 2002
ok dont tell anyone (LOL) but I have to lose 246 pounds to be at the dr charted ideal weight. I can do it, so can you and there are people who have. Go to this profile and see... this lady, Donna, lost....333 pounds....she looks absolutely beautiful!! Good luck (open rny coming in June)
   — cherokey55

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