Can skin from tummy tucks be donated to help burn victims?

My dr says a tummy tuck is likely. I would hate for this skin to go to waste if it can help a burn victim. Anyone know about this?    — Bess T. (posted on May 7, 2002)

May 7, 2002
I heard this a lot as a pre-op. Now that I'm planning on having a TT, I've done a lot of research and even contacted Schriners. They said this is not true. The cost for doing such a procedure would be more than what the skin is actually worth. They just get the needed skin from cadavuers (sp?). Wouldn't it be nice though?! :o)
   — Kristin R.

May 7, 2002
This burn center topic is one that keeps coming up. I've probably personally telephoned about 20 different burn centers and burn center networks over the past two years on this. Ziltch. Nada. Nothing. From what I can tell, there isn't a single burn center anywhere that does this. I used to live across the street from a pretty famous one called the Grossman Burn Center in Sherman Oaks, CA. Even spoke directly to the assistant director there (that was about three years ago). According to him, there are aparently more and more alternatives available to burn victims each year that use temporary artificial cellular and prosthetic grafts that keep a burn wound covered long enough for grafts from the patient's own body to be harvested. So, I'll keep looking. Let me know if you find anything. The ideal case, of course, is for a burn center to pay a post op in need of plastic surgery for their skin. But, beyond this, simply accepting the skin would seem like a useful thing for society. Oh well. There are probably some centers out there somewhere who do.
   — ericklein

May 7, 2002
Hi, I live in Miami Florida and they use the extra skin here at the University of Miami Burn Unit there is a 1 1/2 year waiting list. There is no cost for them to take the skin and accomidate you for the surgery, However you will have to get your own plane ticket to Florida. Good Luck
   — Lorraine W.

May 7, 2002
Hi, I live in Miami Florida and they use the extra skin here at the University of Miami (Jackson Memorial Hospital) Burn Unit there is a 1 1/2 year waiting list. There is no cost for them to take the skin and accomidate you for the surgery, However you will have to get your own plane ticket to Florida. Good Luck
   — Lorraine W.

May 7, 2002
YES! You can do this! I have personally met a lady who went through NeWeigh in Houston who did this. You have to order the kits from somewhere and the hospital will place the excess skin in the kits and return it to the center. I don't know the name of the center, but I do know that you have to estimate the number of pounds of skin that will be removed and get enough kits--apparently they only hold 5 pounds a piece or something. The lady I met had 35 pounds removed! I'll try to call them and find out who to contact for the kits.
   — ctyst

May 7, 2002
OK--Here is the scoop: The place is called Genzyme Laboratories. The number is 1-800-453-6948 x8244. The contact's name is Dawn Reilly. Genzyme uses the tissue for burn research and tissue regrowth. They are trying to find ways to turn small amounts of skin into larger amounts of skin, from what I understand. Glad I could find it. Thanks to Carla @ NeWeigh for providing the info!
   — ctyst

May 7, 2002
Great updates, people. Keep them coming. I wonder if I should start a database for centers that help in this way.
   — ericklein

May 7, 2002
eric i think thats a fantastic idea!!! if i need a tt (more than likely) i too want to do an organ donation for burn victims. my dad was severely burnt (before i was born) by hot oil on the stove that caught fire. he put it out by covering the pot with a dish towel but when he took the towel off he didnt realize the towel was oil soaked & heavy & the pot flew off the stove. he bore the scars on his chest, arms & face for the rest of his life even tho he had many many skin grafts & spending 4 months in the hospital. skin grafts r so important to burn victims to help them go back to living normal lives.
   — sheryl titone

May 7, 2002
Thought I'd pass along something told to me last wk. Apparently there is a hospital in NY that does accept the excess skin, covers the cost of your tummy tuck, you pay for some of the extras, travel etc. Not sure which one it is but we're trying to find out. Eric a database on this or lobbying efforts to bring this concept to burn centers would be great.
   — AJC750

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