
My last question was incomplete...I was reading my surgical consent form and it lists the procedure that was performed as "divided gastric bypass-RNY" Does this mean that I was transected? Could it mean anything else? Thanks!    — Margo F. (posted on April 22, 2002)

April 22, 2002
Instead of trying to guess why not just call your surgeon and ask?
   — Becky K.

April 26, 2002
If asking my surgeon had been an option, I wouldn't have asked for input from this forum.
   — Margo F.

April 26, 2002
How can it "not" be possible to contact your surgeon????
   — Laurie Z.

April 27, 2002
He and the doctor who assisted were killed in a horrific automobile accident.
   — Margo F.

April 27, 2002
Your surgery records are still available. Its a LAW they be available for so many years. I wpuld contact his old hospital and get a copy to keep for the rest of your life. Somday there might be a question they could answer. Get them NOW and put in a safety depoit box or multiple copies with friends in case of fire or other calaminity. In Pennsylvania the law is 7 years, and I WISH I had recoreds back to when I was a kid, It would of helped getting approval for WLS.
   — bob-haller

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