I'm so depressed. I'm 4 weeks post-op and Have been on a

plateau for about 10 days. I know this is normal but it's really discouraging. I'm getting all my protien, water and I'm walking 3 times a day. How long does a plateau last? Any Ideas to move things along? I don't mean to whine, I'm really blessed to be able to have this surgery, just really frustrated.    — Alison N. (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 8, 2002
Dont be to discouraged. What you need to do is take a closer look at what you are eating. Be careful of the hidden carbs. My rule is if it had a mother then you can eat it. So try to stick to real animal protein. Dont go for the veggie protein. For me it was groung turkey mixed with salsa, taco seasoning, and cheese. It is easy to eat. Vary low on carbs and taste great. Feel free to email me if you need. I have made other recipes that help me and are easy to eat.
   — Richard M.

April 8, 2002
It can be discouraging, but you may still be loosing fat even if you are not loosing weight. If you got dehydrated at all during the first week or two, you may have lost a lot of water weight that now that you are rehydrating, is making your scales an inaccurate measurement of your success. Try fitting on some old clothes. I am only 5 weeks out and got a little bit discouraged because I didn't loose as much as I thought I should during the 4th week. But I tried on some old clothes that were getting really tight, and it was amazing how loose they had gotten in only 4 weeks. I also compared a picture of me right before surgery with one my wife took last week, and I was amazed at how much noticeable weight was coming off and how much better I am already starting to feel. Keep up the good work and soon the weight will start coming off again.
   — Dell H.

April 9, 2002
I am 9 weeks post op and lost alot in the beginning and became really dehydrated. I stopped losing at 5 weeks and remained at that weight for 3 weeks! I am now very hydrated and just started losing again! FINALLY! During the three week plateau I continued to lose inches. I do believe my body was just rehydrating and catching up with my loss. There is still hope for you! Good luck!
   — elifritz

April 9, 2002
Alison, put the scale away! I am 3.5 wks post op and have had to do the same thing. Keep doing what you know is the right thing to do. Your body doesn't want to give up the fat, same as my body. But it WILL lose the battle eventually. So make yourself put the scale away or commit to only weighing once a week. Otherwise, you will worry yourself into a frenzie!
   — Robby E.

April 9, 2002
Alison, I did the same thing as you. I went on a plateau for about 7 days. Looking back, during those 7 days, I was somewhat dehydrated and was walking like a wild person during that time. And when I took my measurements the next week, I'd lost 10 inches! No weight, but 10 inches! I'm rehydrated now (the inches didn't come back) and losing again (slowly - about 5 lbs a week if I'm walking). Stay patient and keep walking. And take your measurements - they can really boost your confidence. Kathy
   — Katy B.

April 9, 2002
Don't do it anymore. Scales aren't your best friend. I am 3 weeks post-op and I have decided to only weigh myself once a month. I really want to pay attention to the changes in my body and not base my feelings on what the scale tells me. Now I am one of these that will probably be a size 4 and still weighing 150 pounds. The scale and my physical self has never seemed to line up. You are doing all of the right things - you will see rewards soon.
   — Yvette W.

April 10, 2002
Alison, I am 8 weeks out and had my first plateau at 3 weeks. It lasted for 10 days!! A few days later I had another one for 7 days-then I had a week where the weight went up one day, down the next, and repeated itself. I think it is just the bodies way of trying to adjust to this huge change. Remember just a short time a go we were shoveling in the fast food and sugars as fast as we could. Now we eat tiny meals, healthy foods, lots of water..the body is just trying to catch up. My advice to get it going again, increase your water, boost your protein (add a shake), walk one more day, cut down on carbs, and I think you'll see it move again.
   — Cindy R.

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