Has anyone had abdominoplasty or panni done that still had a lot of fat in it?

My surgeon told me Monday that I need a hernia repair and that I should have my excess skin taken care of at the same time. I see the plastic surgeon tomorrow. Im very excited about it, BUT I haven't lost all my weight yet. I have lost 210lbs and have another 50 to go yet. I look at my pannis and its not just skin but fat also. What do they do liposuction or just cut it off? I know I prefer the abdominoplasty over the panni but I have Medicare so I will have to wait and see what he can do. Anything will help. Thanks. Judy    — mrstito (posted on April 4, 2002)

April 7, 2002
hi judy; i know just what my dr, told me, i began at 425# i'm down to 290# after 5 months, my pannis is hanging lower by the day, my dr, said he wanted me to lose almost all of my weight before having it removed, he said if you take it off too soon, then you lose more weight, you can get a smaller pannis back, and any insurance will pay for this surgery one time only, also he said a pannis can weigh up to 20 or 30 pounds, so when i get to 200 pounds i plan on having mine removed, and i'll be near my goal of 180#, i expect that be the end of this year, i hope some of this has helped you,, but you only want that surgery once..
   — bruce M.

April 7, 2002
That is the question for your plastic surgeon. Mine said he would do a little liposuction if needed when I had my abdominoplasty last Tuesday, but he didn't need to apparently. By all means, get it done at the same time- I just kicked out around $4000.00 to have mine done and I should have had it done last year when I had my hernia. Hindsight is always 20/20, right? Anyway, your plastic surgeon should be able to answer all of your questions. Good Luck!
   — M B.

April 7, 2002
If you need to have the hernia repaired anyway, I think they will tighten up the muscles, which is what the abdominoplasty is. If you didn't have the hernia then it just would be a panniculectomy. Also, if you have lost 210 and only have 50 to go, I wouldn't think it would be too early to have this done. The surgery itself will take some of the weight off. Your surgeon should be able to answer all this, just giving you my very humble opinion.
   — garw

August 24, 2003
I just had my abdominoplasty/panniculectomy/umbilcolectomy last week. I lost 175 and still probably have about 25 left to go. It only took off about 6 pounds of skin and fat - but the important thing was that it tightened up my skin tremendously. So even when I do lose more weight, my stomach now will be very tout.(sp?) :) The important thing is to make sure you are really determined in the months following the procedure to really work out. The longer your stomach stays the size it is after the procedure, the greater the chances that the elasticity will diminish. Insurance paid for mine too. If you want,I can email you my before picture. I am not going to take an after picture till the swelling and redness go away - stitches out - etc. Feel free to ask me anything you want to! - Jeni
   — kerredwen

August 25, 2003
Just a jeaulous woman here, lucky you to have the choice. I had an emrgency hernia repair 2 weeks ago due to a bowel obstruction and huge pain. I had intended fixing it next year when all my weight is gone and stabilized. I am still 15# above where I want to be and a plastic surgeion had recommended a stable weight for 6 months before a tummy tuck. Since I had and emergency it was not even a possiblity to have the tummy tuck with the hernia repair. :-( so, once I am healed it is extra overtime at work for me to save for the tummy tuck anyways. My insurance probably would have covered it with the hernia repair, but not with out it.
   — **willow**

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