Could this be a hernia?

I've searched the library, and can't find any of my symptoms. I'm 4 months postop, LAP RNY. Almost from the beginning, I noticed a numbness between one of my incisions. I figured it was just some nerve damage that would heal itself in time. About a month after surgery, I noticed a "pulling" sensation in the same area (to the left of my belly button) whenever I walked. From that sensation, I started feeling shooting pains in the same area, mostly while I was sitting down. Now, there is constant tenderness in that area. The numbness is still there, but when I press on the area, there is discomfort and I feel a hardness (but I wouldn't call it a lump). I'm seeing my surgeon in 2 weeks. Does this sound like a hernia?    — Cyndie K. (posted on March 30, 2002)

March 30, 2002
In my nonmedical opinion, it doesn't sound anything like my hernia. Possibly some tissue that has formed. If it's a hernia, you can most likely "see it" if you lay on your back and push as if you were trying to go to the bathroom. If you get a lump in your belly, it's most likely a hernia. Better idea is what you said....ask your doc.
   — Barbara H.

March 30, 2002
Doesn't sound like a hernia. As Barbara said when you have a hernia you can usually feel or see an area poke out when you are bearing down. My hernia didn't hurt a bit. The repair did.
   — Frank M.

March 30, 2002
I had a friend who went in for a hernia repair (an OBVIOUS hernia) and they found MANY that neither he nor his docs new of before surgery. These weren't incisional hernias as far as I know. Anyhow, just thought I'd pass it along to you that not all hernias are obvious as the classic lump.
   — Shelly S.

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