Why am I SO TIRED all of the time

Hi All: I am 7 mos post op tomorrow and down #114. My question is, I am SO TIRED all of the time. I do pretty good on my proteins and water most of the time, but I feel as though my blood sugar drops or something happens in the late afternoon. I literally go to sleep for about 3-4 hours every day then sleep for about 9 hours at night. I get up STILL tired in the morning. Any suggestions???? You guys always have good answers. I appreciate ALL of your input..........    — Joi G. (posted on March 9, 2002)

March 9, 2002
Where are you labs, compared to pre-ops? If your protein, albumin, iron or B12 are low, even low-ish, you may be feeling the effects NOW. Generally, even proximals can't get too much protein supps. Never seen a lab go over the top! But hopefully, you have your pre-ops, 3 month & 6 month numbers handy and can do a comparision.
   — vitalady

March 9, 2002
Please Please Please have your labs checked!! Low iron (anemia) causes you to be tired all the time...that's what it starts out as...I'm not a doctor, but I would have your iron levels checked out. If they come back normal (and that would be great) try increasing your activity. I know it sounds crazy, but instead of taking an afternoon nap, try taking an afternoon walk. The more you exersice, the more energy you will have. Good Luck, and way to go on your weight loss, that's amazing!!
   — Sarah P.

March 9, 2002
I can vouch for what Sarah says. I am still pre-op but am always battling low iron/anemia. I have my blood work checked every 3-6 months to keep an eye and it makes me so UNBELIEVABLY TIRED!!! I have to take major iron supplements to feel pretty normal. That could be one problem. Good luck!
   — emilyfink

March 9, 2002
Are you exercising very much? I am almost 4 months post op from open RNY & was extremely tired until about a month ago when I MADE myself stop sleeping so much & exercise more. I was like you. Sleeping 8 or 9 hours a night & then taking a 2 or 3 hour nap until I realized I was sleeping my life away! Even a healthy person who sleeps alot will get into that routine & it is very hard to break. Try exercising more & that should give you more energy to where you won't need that afternoon nap. Good luck!
   — Lori M.

March 9, 2002
When was the last time you got blood work and checked your levels? Are you taking your B-12? B-12 makes all the difference in the world to me. I go to my surgeons office and get a shot once a month. I have so much energy now that I can run circles around my friends. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Your Weight Loss Pal.
   — DeeDubbs

March 11, 2002
Have you been tested for sleep apnea? This is exactly the way it makes me feel. Just a thought. =)
   — ScatCat

March 12, 2002
   — PT LawMom

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