Has anyone had a cold before surgery, and NOT been canceled?

Hello all. I have a cold coming on 3 days before surgery. I am taking Zicam, Cold Eeze, Echinacea, Vitamin C, & drinking lots of water. My question is: if the only symptoms I have are that I sound nasally, and sneeze once in a while,(no discolored phlegm, no congestion, no fever, etc), is it possible that surgery won't be cancelled? I certainly don't mean to sound rude, but I would only like answers from people who actually KNOW the answer, not just have an opinion.(whether you went through this, know someone who did, or work in this field) Thanks a bunch! ***GretcheeGirl***    — blank first name B. (posted on February 26, 2002)

February 26, 2002
Hi I am a nurse at a local hospital that does Bariatric surgery. We would not cancel your surgery for those set of symptoms. We would check to make sure your oxygen levels were okay and check for fever and treat as needed.After surgery it would be the same. Just move like they ask after surgery and do your deep breathing and I'm sure you will be just fine. Good Luck! Robin
   — RobinLPN.

February 26, 2002
I got a BAD cold 6 days before my surgery and it wasn't cancelled. As long as I didn't have a fever and my lungs were clear, it was ok. By the way, watch the echinea; herbal products are a no-no prior to surgery as they can interfere with blood clotting. Good luck!
   — scottiemaam O.

February 26, 2002
I had a cold hit me less than a week before surgery. I started taking antibiotics immediately but stopped them 24 hours before surgery. I still had mild congestion and some stuffiness but they said my breath sounds were good and my oxygen levels were fine so surgery went on as scheduled. Hope everything goes well with yours.
   — Pam S.

February 26, 2002
Hello, I was very sick 2 weeks b4 my date.. and i went on some meds till 2 days before. I did't tell my doc for fear of cancellation, which is wrong but I am ok and i survived. :O)
   — Sheila E.

February 26, 2002
Whatever you do, don't play games with your health like I did. I had a mild cold but went ahead with the surgery anyway, since I was able to hide it from my surgeon. Now this was a very mild cold. I had a little bit of a cough every once in a while and a very slight fever. This is the type of cold that I would not have missed work for. Well, the surgery goes well, but next thing I know, I am running a temperature of 103 degrees and my lungs are freaking out trying to get enough oxygen. Later, I learned that anesthesia basically shuts down your body and after surgery you have to wake up again, so you don't want your lungs even slightly compromised by smoking or a cold or anything else. Well, I made it through okay, but in retrospect, I think I should have waited until I was in tip-top health. Good luck with your surgery, whatever you choose.
   — Terissa R.

February 26, 2002
I got a cold 4 days prior to surgery -- just an ordinary cold. I did the same as you with medications, except I skipped the Echinacea. I had my surgery on the scheduled day, but I let my surgeon know about it ahead of time and he just said "come on in and we'll check you out". Three doctors checked me out. As luck would have it, after surgery, I got asthma and bronchitis which sometimes follow a cold for me. I coughed a lot more than usual and it was painful on my stitches. They gave me antibiotics when they hooked me up for surgery. I was given nebulizers afterward and hyperventillated on one that was "self powered". It was very frightening to my family as well as to me. Now I am 15 days out, the bronchitis and asthma are over. Am I sorry I went ahead? No!
   — Linda V.

February 26, 2002
I also had a cold coming on days before my surgery (Jan. 8, 2002), I called my doctor's office and they told me that as long as I didn't have a fever or wheezing, to show up at the hospital as planned. By the second day of surgery, my cold was gone so fast due to all the antibiotics they were intravenously putting into me. But I would also let your doctor know about all the over the counter stuff you're taking. Sometimes those "natural" herbs can affect your blood clotting, healing, etc. So be safe and good luck!
   — Jean B.

February 26, 2002
Taking herbal meds before surgery can be dangerous! Please tell your surgeon what you've been taking! I woke up on a Monday with cold-like symptoms and wound up being diagnosed with pharyngitis/sinusitis. I was given a shot of decadron and rocephin by my PCP (coordinated with my surgeon) and surgery went off without a hitch on Wednesday. Please don't take the chance of not telling your surgeon and anesthesiologist what meds - otc, herbal, or prescrition - you've been taking!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 26, 2002
Hi Gretchen, I had a cold right before my surgery. I was taking everything you are except the zicam. I told the preop testing folks exactly what I was taking and they said that none of those herbals were anything to worry about. I had no fever and my lungs were clear and they said I was fine for surgery. And I was. I did just fine. My asthma acted up...but from the anesthetic...nothing else. I didn't even notice i had a cold post op. Sounds like you should do just fine:) GOOD LUCK!
   — Nicole P.

February 26, 2002
Hi Gretchen.. I was recently placed on 2 meds bt my PCP for this sinus drainage. I contacted my surgeon because I was a bit nervous my surgery (3/8/02) would be rescheldued and he told me that taking the meds wouldnt be a problem and my sinus drainage and etc should be cleared up by then.
   — S W.

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