Just a comment on discrimination

Unlike most on here, I am in the process of trying to gain back some of my lost weight. By being a good husband, my husband thought that he would pick me up some Slimfast with extra Soy Protein. Not wanting to make him feel bad, and knowing that this is basically loaded with sugar, I attempted to taste this stuff. Here is my comment...NO WONDER some of us are overwieght. Who the heck makes this stuff? Obviously NOT people with weight problems. It's disgusting. Why "any" overwieght person would drink this stuff is beyond me. No wonder we all look for a better way. Also, I have a quick comment on clothing for large people. Why is it that now, I can find any kind of clothing that I want but when I was large, all it was was frumpy stuff? Don't they think that large women want to be in style? Geez I wish that I were a designer...I am sure that I could come up with better stuff than most stores have. I just had to get this out now that I am smaller. It seems so unfair that there is still sooo much discrimination still to this day. thanks for letting me ramble.    — Barbara H. (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
I couldn't agree with you more!!!!! I always thought what goes through their mind when making clothes. "Oh, this wild loud, big print, homely material would look great on an a plus size women"
   — ZZ S.

February 24, 2002
I think they try to find material that blends with sofas.....after all thats where they think we spend most of our time isnt it? I cant wait to wear some current hot sexy fitting clothes instead of the wild flowers to match the drapes!!!
   — Sassy M.

February 24, 2002
THANK YOU. It is bad enough to wear a size 26 let alone to hate the way the clothes look. It is not very often I kind find something I really like. And I have never liked floral print even when I was thin, But now it seems like that I find. Don't these people ealize print makes you look bigger. This site is the greatest. I have thought many times that no one else felt the same as I do.
   — Emile N.

February 24, 2002
Fashion taste is VERY individualized. I never gave a rat's patootee about what might 'make me look big'. Personally, I like bright colors, big flowers and I adore plaid pants, even when I was a size 60 (6XL). I have absolutely NOTHING against being a fat chick. What I didn't like was when I almost died from being one of the fattest chicks on the planet. Personally, I hope to never go below 170. I like having soft, rounded flesh and flaunting my big round butt that shakes when I walk. So to all those girdle wearing, black, navy and solid colors only people who are thinking, dear God, please don't let anyone notice that I have some fat on my bones, I say, live a little, try some fuschia will do your heart a world of good.
   — merri B.

February 24, 2002
I can't tell you how many times I have said that I wish I was a designer of plus sized women's clothing! I'm 24 years old and it was almost impossible for me to find things that I not only liked, but made me look my age. I resorted to sweats mostly. I've also noticed that they use a lot of horizontal stripes! Aren't those supposed to make you look bigger? I thought most of the clothes looked like something my grandmother would wear! I totally agree with you!
   — Amy E.

February 24, 2002
I am a grandmother and I wouldn't wear most of the clothes. I have noticed that the higher priced clothing is a lot mor stylish. So it is not just descrimination against fat people, but limited income fat people. LOL I always found nice things by catalog shopping.
   — faybay

February 24, 2002
I am old enough to remember when the only place I could get ready-made clothes was through the Lane Bryant catalog. Things have changed very much sincer those days. I am known for the nice clothes that I wear and I'm a size 30-32 now. I will have to admit that I can afford to spend more for them than the average, but I also know that the discount stores rarely have anything larger than a size 24. As to wearing clothes that are supposed to make us look thinner, I'm with Merri. The way I see it is this. If a plain black dress is supposed to make me look 10 pounds thinner, who cares? At my weight, 10 pounds is nothing. I'll wear bright colors, (I love red), horizontal stripes and anything else that I like. It is true that our options are limited, but they are better than they were 20 years ago. Also, I have never figured out why I have to pay more for a size 30 dress than I would pay for a size 20. I know they say it's because it takes more material to make a size 30, but my very petite friend has to pay more for her clothes too, and it takes less material to make her size 4s.
   — garw

February 24, 2002
You lost too much weight and actually need to GAIN a few? I had to laugh, just last night myself ( down 102lbs, 50 to go) and my college daughter and her friend who both are about 50 lbs overweight were "dreaming" about how wonderful it would be to actually need to gain weight. (not to negate the difficulties of those who are underweight due to health problems). These dear young ladies are where so many of us were at their age. They watch their thin friends gobble up junk food by the handfuls while they are constantly having to watch every bite. I pray that she will not need to, but I'm happy to know that if she has inherited my weight related problems, my daughter will have the option of WLS one day.
   — Bobbie B.

March 23, 2003
I love your comments. I have said for years they should not make the cloths they do for fat people. If you do find something in style it seems to accentuate all the places you want to hide. You're right slim fast is NASTY. MAybe the concept is is we are too sick to eat after drinking it, we wont.
   — Jennifer P.

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