Know anything about Dr. Michael Johnell, Greeley, CO who is doing lap?

Have heard he is new to area.    — blong (posted on February 17, 2002)

February 16, 2002
Here is his page on this site You will find members names and comments. Maybe you could e-mail them your specific questions. Hope this helps. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 19, 2002
Beverly, My surgeon is Dr. Johnell. Seems like a good guy, his original specialty was lap surgery, bariatric seemed like the next logical step for him. I went to his support group last night in Greeley and met many others who have had surgery by him. My surgery is scheduled for March 1. I found that with Otteman, the wait list is extensive. My first appointment with Johnell was Jan 7, and two months later I'll have surgery. Let me know if you have any more questions.
   — Mary C.

February 19, 2002
Dr.Johnell is one of the best surgeons around--he moved to Colorado from my area---he has done previous surgeries on me and my family--bedside manner=excellent--I was disappointed that he left and went to Colorado--you are in good hands with Dr. Johnell--
   — Linda L.

February 19, 2002
I have only heard of two patients, one died, the other was in intensive care for 6 weeks and still is having difficulty, I know most dr's experience some problems but it is his attitude that was the problem, he could not admit there were any problems, when my friend's pouch separated. Otteman's wait is very long but I can say it is worth it for the kind of care you receive. Also Otteman does not use all the drains and leak tests afterwards, does leak test before sewing you up.
   — [Anonymous]

February 19, 2002
In response to Anonymous,from what I heard last night at Johnell's support group meeting, Johnell has not lost a patient yet and Otteman will be retiring soon. The next meeting will be at NCMC on Monday March 4, 6:30pm. Come check out pre-ops and post-ops and see how you feel then.
   — Mary C.

February 21, 2002
Hi all, Thank you to all of you who have responded to my question. To Anonymous---where did you hear or do you know that Dr. Johnell has had some patients who have had difficulty or died? Would you be willing to email me with the details? Thanks everyone. Bev
   — blong

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