Cigna - Has anyone had a tummy-tuck paid for by Cigna HMO?

I have lost 100 lbs, need to lose another 100. I already have a severe problem with hanging skin, rashes, backpain, etc. Has anyone had success with Cigna paying for their TT?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
It was a battle royale - and I went through multiple appeals, finally attending the last hearing via telephone. But, I won the abdominoplasty (they denied the breast lift). The key was having a detailed record of the problems, and my efforts to resolve them every way short of surgery. Make sure your doctor documents every visit, and every complaint, and every attempt to resolve the problem (i.e., pain medication, physical therapy, exercise, etc.) and you may have a good chance. -Kate-
   — kateseidel

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