does anyone have irritable bowel syndrome and still had the WLS?

I have some form of IBD (unkn at this time what it is) has anyone out there also had this disease and gone on and had the surgery? How did your surgeon approach the situation? Any suggestions as to how to approach this with my surgeon if he does not want to do my surgery?    — ChristineB (posted on January 31, 2002)

January 31, 2002
Yes, I had IBS before surgery. There wasn't anything specific that set it off either. I had no problem with milk/dairy products. I would be up 3-4 times a night with bad cramping, sweats, and then terrible diarrhea. I wondered too what WLS would do for my IBS. I am 3 months post-op and no problems!! Yippee! It was never mentioned to my surgeon, I didn't believe it had anything to do with qualifying and I didn't know it would improve after surgery. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

January 31, 2002
I had what I thought was IBS. it wasn't diagnosed because I never went to the doctor, but daily I had Diarrhea, and had to absolutely run to the bathroom before I soiled myself. I would have terrible stomach aches that would appear out of nowhere right before a bathroom attack. getting hot, and cold sweats from a fever like thing while sitting on the toilet. rocking back and forth to alleviate the pain. I know exactly what it's like. I am not the only one in my family that has this. Both my sisters, and my brother have it too. I went ahead, and had the surgery, and now I do not have those sneaking stomach aches. I still get the runs once in awhile, but for the most part I am solid, and go maybe once a day rather than 4, 5, or 6 times a day. hope this helps.
   — sbinkerd1

January 31, 2002
I had IBS for over 20 years...a previous poster described it perfectly..the daily cramping pain out of no where. It was debilitating. Since having my WLS almost 8 weeks ago, I haven't had the symptoms at all. I occassionally get indigestion or maybe loose bowels, but it usually has to do with something I ate. Before there was no rhyme or reason to when I would get an attack. This relief alone is worth having the surgery for.
   — Donna L.

January 31, 2002
I also was diagnosed with IBS several years ago. It is a family problem, as my sisters and their adult children also have it. I had WLS 15 mos ago. My IBS has improved greatly since surgery. I have occasional incidents bu nothing like before WLS. Sometimes I think the calcium I take helps. My surgeon required me to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy before surgery. He wanted to be sure there were no serious intestinal problems or stomach ulcers. I think this was a good requirement. I would hope that most surgeons would do the same, especially if there is a history of problems like yours. By all means tell the surgeon about the IBS prior to surgery. It is better to be safe!
   — Sag

January 31, 2002
Just a comment, I had IBS and BAD miraines way before WLS, and no one could figure out what was going on. I had a colonoscopy(sp?) and the doc said I had the most spastic colon he'd ever seen. Well, thanks, Doc! Anyway, I found the cure. I got a DIVORCE!!! LOL Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

January 31, 2002
I have IBS, in fact my gastro doc said I had the most wildly spastic colon he had ever looked at. (some claim to fame) I would say that if anything it has improved since my rny. I don't drink milk at all since surgery and they may have something to do with it. I still occasionally have to run madly to the restroom but I also think watching my fat intake has helped calm it down. My doctor said it was not a counter indication not to have surgery.
   — cindy Q.

February 1, 2002
I was diagnosed with IBS 8 years before my surgery and nothing I did helped. Violent cramping & explosions after every meal. JUST before my surgery, I went without milk for 2 weeks, then went back on. (My doc requires no milk for life, so I was test driving it). Surprise, surprise it was lactose intolerance, after all.
   — vitalady

February 1, 2002
I suffered with the symptoms of IBS for 15 years before I had my RNY. "Miraculously", the IBS disappeared as soon as I had the surgery. I am now 23 months post-op, and have never experienced those symptoms again. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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