Why can I eat 20 ounces of soup at a time?

More solid foods make me feel full, and also cause me to throw up if I eat too quickly, but with soup it seems I can eat, and eat, and eat without a full feeling. is it because it is liquid, and goes through the pouch quicker?    — sbinkerd1 (posted on January 29, 2002)

January 29, 2002
You answered your own question! Liquidy things like soup pass through the stomach much faster than dense foods like chicken. You should not eat 20 ounces because you CAN eat 20 ounces. I was told to stay away from mushy type foods that don't give our digestive systems a run for their money.
   — Jeannet

January 29, 2002
Ok so I Can't eat 20 ounces at a time. I was trying to be Sarcastic but it doesn't transcribe very well. It seems that I can eat alot of soup anyway which is good, because it yhelps get my water in.
   — sbinkerd1

January 29, 2002
Scott, I'm sure you can eat alot of soup because it is mostly fluid. I wouldn't eat large amounts of it as a way to boost your water intake though because you are also taking in alot of sodium at the same time, which defeats your purpose.
   — [Anonymous]

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