3 Days post-op and need help with lots of stuff!

I had surgery Thursday, Lap RNY. I don't feel well. My back is killing me with knots everywhere. I am extremely full for several hours because of 1 ounce or less of liquid. I am on clear liquids including soups, mashed potatoes. My carnation makes me feel so full. ANyone have any advise? Thanks    — Melissa T. (posted on January 20, 2002)

January 20, 2002
Melissa, Congratulations on taking a very big step in health. I am 9 weeks post op. For your back make sure you are taking your pain medicine as prescribed. It is very helpful to wear your binder. My back hurt too.. in fact my incision didn't hurt at all. As far as feeling or rather drink slow.... and don't drink if full....I drank fluids when I got hungry about every three hours..\i waited 30 min after mashed potatoes to drink will get when you are your Dr. if you can't resolve these issues. Susan H.
   — Susan H.

January 20, 2002
i just want to add something that the other posters didnt mention. at 3 days out ur new tummy is very swollen. the dr may have made a 1 oz pouch but right now it probably wont even hold 1/2 an ounce. i am 4 1/2 weeks post op & i just started feeling that i can hold an ounce of food without any discomfort. good luck & happy new birthday!
   — sheryl titone

August 13, 2002
iT TAKES YOU A WHILE TO STEACH THE POUCH, IF YOU FEEL OVER FULL SLOW DOWN AND EAT LESS. I'm 5 month post-op and am now just eating 4 ozs, but I'm also down 85 pounds you don;t want to streach your pouch!!
   — Angela G.

July 22, 2003
Melissa, I can address a couple of your concerns, although I had BPD, I suffered similar problems. The fullness, as much as it seems impossible right now, will go away. I'm now 2 months out, and I'm eating near normal portions... but the first month, a couple small bites made me feel overly full. The back pain also hit home. Most likely, the manipulation of your body (pulling from op table to gurney) & lying on that flat, hard, cold operating table is the culprit. Within 3 days of my surgery, my back pain exceeded my surgical pain! It does get better, please believe me. One thing that helped me greatly with fullnesss was I found lying on my left side after I ate greatly relieved the pressure & discomfort from feeling overly full. This may not help you or anyone else, but it worked like a charm for me. Hang in there... it does get MUCH better VERY quickly!
   — Michael S.

August 10, 2003
I am 5 days post op (still can't believe it!) and am not released to have anything but clear liquids for at least the next week. Get rid of the pototoes and Carnation. I'm drinking Ensure's sugar free drink (Glucena), have had a bit of yogurt (sugar and fat free), some watered down OJ, and water. That's it! I'd say you need to follow doctor's orders to the letter, stick to the meds, and find a relaxing way to sleep nights (I sleep in my recliner). Good luck! (P.S. I feel fine except for some discomfort at the incision site.)
   — terriny

August 31, 2003
Ditto the other posters. Clear liquids ONLY for 2 weeks. Take the pain meds for at least a week to keep you comfortable. No short cuts or you'll pay for them dearly.
   — Margaret G.

August 31, 2003
I would definatly say make sure you are following your dietary instructions closely, if you are call your surgeon with any questions.
   — Saxbyd

April 11, 2005
I'm a little over a week post-op and when I got home my back hurt more than my incision. I planted myself on a heating pad, on a recliner with a pillow behind me for support. It took a little while but now my back only hurts when I'm up on my feet too much. You might try cutting out the mashed potatoes and stick with soup for awhile. Are you drinking liquids all day long? This has helped me, it kinda washes out the food in your stomach but I don't drink until an hour after I've eaten so I can get as much nutritional value as I can. I also have one ounce of non-fat cottage cheese a day, it has alot of protein in it. Good luck and I'll be praying for you. Keep me up to date. Karyn
   — Zimpo

July 19, 2005
I just had bypass sat and I feel great. I think you need to cut out the solid food. I am on only clear liquids. I have only ate SF jello, crystal light drink, water, and broth. I feel very full however it is not a bloated feeling. In the hospital I had apple juice and it really bloated me, I felt as though I had ate a full Thanksgiving dinner.
   — brucesmom

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