My incision is oozing.

My incision is oozing. I am 6 weeks post op RNY. By the end of the day the shirt that i am wearing is covered with blood, ooze spots. Is this normal or should I notify my surgeon?    — Lisa M. (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 16, 2002
It took awhile for my incision to heal up, I had some staples too close to the surface of my skin and they were trying to come back thru. My doctor told me to clean it in the shower (I always take a daily shower, lol), then to clean it with peroxide, put a triple anitbiotic ointment on it and keep it covered loosely with guaze. It cleared up within a week, completely healed within two. I had gotten worried too.
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
Omg ............... notify your doctor :)
   — blank first name B.

January 16, 2002
Get thee to a hospital, NOW!
   — Sharon H.

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