Is stomach pain normal post -op?
Every time I take a sip of anything or eat or ANYTHING, it seems like there is a knot in my stomach. It actually feels like my intake is going nowhere. Is this normal? I fear my stoma being partially stopped-up, or worse. Please advise if you have felt this way. When I try to burp, because sometimes it feels like trapped air, it only feels like it expands. HELP!! I will GREATLY appreaciate it! — Melinda C. (posted on December 29, 2001)
December 29, 2001
I am 5 weeks post op and I can relate to what you say. I have pain in my
stomach too. I talked to my surgeon about it and he says I am eating too
fast and not chewing enough. What is happening is that for me, it is
putting pressure on the staples that are inside me. Our little tummies are
tender right now and we notice every little ache and pain. Of course, if
it doesn't get better call your surgeon, you could have a stricture or an
ulcer. Not uncommon, but need immediate attention! Good luck! Amy
— purdue_1993
December 29, 2001
melinda i am 12 days post op open rny/silastic band. if i eat too fast or
drink a gulp or too fast i get pain. its a killer isnt it? i have started
putting down my fork/spoon between bites & also sip, swallow, sip,
swallow, wait. this seems to help ALOT!
— sheryl titone
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