Has anyone gained weight after surgery

I am 6 days post op and came home from the hospital weighing 22 lbs more than pre op. I feel like I am 9 months pregnant and am very uncomfortable. How long does it take for the fluid to go? I am getting discouraged. I am on nothing by mouth and clear liquids through the gtuble only for 10 days after a lap rny. Any suggestions?    — Carol R. (posted on December 11, 2001)

December 11, 2001
Carol - between the weight I gained between my pre-op tests and my surgery (9 pounds)...and then the weight I GAINED in this hospital...I felt the same way. I was told the IVs fill my tissues with fluid - and adds weight. Give yourself a week - it will subside. Congratulations and praise God you made it through surgery and are now on the losing side!! Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 11, 2001
Carol, I went into the hospital weighing 215 and left weighing 234! This was probably due to the 7 units of blood I received and all the IVs. The weight dropped off at 2-3 weeks post op along with the extra that I should have lost in the first place! Be patient, it will come off!
   — kylakae

December 11, 2001
i got on the scales in the hospital and had gained 10 lbs i felt like crying . Iask my DR, HE LAUGHED IT'S JUST FLUID and when i went to dr 5 days later i lost 13 so it will be ok . just be patient. good luck and congratulations.
   — Julie B.

December 11, 2001
I gained somewhere around 10-12 pounds in the hospital and it took me about three weeks to actually lose anything, but I was eating, (well if you can call pureed everything eating)AND I was getting supplemental feedings through my G-tube for a little over a month, so the surgeon just said don't worry it will happen. Well, I'm one year post-op today and have lost 98 pounds, plus or minus a few pounds fluctuation. Hang in there, the gain is just temporary! By the way, I had a lap RNY also. Good luck and congratulations. Maria
   — Maria H.

December 11, 2001
I gained alot of fluid in the hospital. I know for sure it was 30 pounds worth, but because i was in such a panic the nurses wouldnt let me look at the scale when i was weighed after the 30 pounds. I felt horrible I couldnt put on socks and my shoes didnt fit when i left the hospital. I was put on lassix and the weight was gone in about 3 weeks,.
   — C. L.

December 11, 2001
Six days post-op!!!!!!! If you truly are 22lbs. heavier, then you should speak with your surgeon pronto! Fluid retention like this is not normal at all. Call your doctor!
   — [Anonymous]

December 12, 2001
In the operating room, some anesthesiologist dump alot of fluids into their patients, the surgeon often puts fluid in the abdomen to decrease the chances of adhesions(scar tissue)formation. Then of course you had IV's during your hospital stay. All that equals water weight. The problem is that the first few weeks its really hard to get enough protein in, the less protein you consume the more fluid your body will retain. Really work on your protein suppliments. I found the bottled ones were more like koolaid and I was able to tolerate them better than the shakes. Sip,sip, sip. Be patient.
   — Helen B.

December 12, 2001
My extra iv weight was gone within 3 days after getting home.
   — lessofme170

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