I am wondering if anyone has experienced an atonic pouch.. I have an atonic pouch and

will be having my pouch revised and reconstructed as soon as I get insurance approval.. Any information on this topic is greatly appreciated. Thanks Gina Landers    — Gina Landers (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 29, 2001
I'm sorry..i'm not familiar. What's an atonic pouch? Perhaps a type of wls...
   — [Anonymous]

November 29, 2001
I was interested to learn about what this was, but could not find anything about it except the definition of atony - lack of physiological tone especially of a contractile organ. I couldn't find how it relates to gastric bypass or pouch function. Hope this helped some!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2001
From what I have learned about this condition is that the pouch no longer has the ability to push food through the pouch into the stoma.. whatever food/ liquid you put down will sit and eventually you have instant replay.. but this occurs hours later.. The only options for correction in my understanding are the use of certain medications.. Reglan.. with usually no success.. or surgical reconstruction of the gastric pouch making it more vertical and thereby utilizing the force of gravity to help the food move in the proper direction.. Thanks for your responses..
   — Gina Landers

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