Anyone still have Acid Reflux and i am 8weeks post op

It wont go away and its more now than before .will i have to loose more waight before it go away or what i have to sleep siting up or up real high help help help!!!!!!!    — Jackie P. (posted on November 27, 2001)

November 27, 2001
Jackie, I am still pre-op...(for another month!! yea!!!) but I have terrible reflux. I take a precription..Prevacid. I used to take Prilosec and it worked great but too much $$$. I think your doctor would let you take will have relief VERY quickly and may not need to be on it very long because you are losing weight. Talk to your Doctor..uncontrolled reflux is dangerous because it can cause cancerous cell changes in the esophagus and may give you ulcers in your new pouch or near the opening (anastomosis sp?)
   — Karen B.

November 27, 2001
What kind of surgery did you have? And are you transected or just stapled?
   — vitalady

November 27, 2001
I'm having this problem too, at 7 weeks postop. The doc told me to take over-the-counter Tagamet, Zantac or chewable Pepcid-AC. I'm trying all 3 to see which one works best. Another thing I found helps cut this down is when we chew everything until it is liquid, be sure you are getting as much SALIVA into what you're chewing as you can. It helps break the food down in your mouth before it goes to your stomach. Slow down your eating even more - wait 5 minutes between each bite and then chew until it is liquid. Also try going back to pureed foods again, that helps too. Or at least stick to only very bland, easy-to-digest foods. Nothing spicy or greasy. Don't eat for 2-3 hours before bedtime. After eating, don't bend over or lie down, it helps prevent the reflux part of this problem. For a couple of nights I had to sleep sitting up in the recliner again. Now using 3 pillows to keep head and shoulders elevated in bed - that helps, too. Don't eat or drink anything cold for awhile, room temperature water and foods, as the temperature difference can trigger the stomach problems, as well. Good luck to you !!!
   — Lisa D.

November 29, 2001
Michelle, her profile says Open RNY-Distal. I think it's time to go back to your surgeon and talk about getting an endoscope and/or an Upper GI done... RNY should not have ANY acid to reflux at all... mechanically with that surgery, it's just not possible. If you are getting acid reflux, chances are very high that you've had a staple line disruption, and that you would need another surgery to get your stomach transected. Your low weight loss at 7 weeks (25 lbs) with a distal makes me think you've got a disruption too. You can't compare too much, but at 7 weeks, I was down 52 lbs, and I've "only" got a 125cm bypass. Good luck and hang in there!
   — Julia M.

December 3, 2001
12/4/01 Hi! I am 9weeks postop open RNY(FOBI POUCH)! I never had acid reflux til about 4-5 weeks ago!! Mine is getting worse too! It causes me to vomit 3-5x a day. Mine started after a had two endoscopys that weren't able to dialate my stricture and two floroscopys(one after each unsuccessful endoscopy?) I am going back to the MD in two days...I have tried Rx pepcid and acifed? nothing has helped! I am trying to eat,but it's a real challenge. I am still losing i don't think i have a disruption. I wish I had some postive advice or suggestions. Just know you are not alone! I know exactly how you feel! I will contact you if I discover anything. I hope you feel better!-katherine hallowes
   — katherine H.

June 17, 2003
   — Lilly D.

August 23, 2005
Hey i feel your pain im starting to believe this happens to everone.And i hope it passes soon i think its part of the change we are going 4 weeks out and sleep in my recliner.My doc says it cause by swelling where our pouch connects to small intestine the opening is small.My doc said in 4 weeks if its still a problem he is going to scope me and enlarge that oppening.
   — Randall K.

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