
Hi all, I was hoping someone could give me an example as to what to eat in a day that will fulfill our protein requirements. I am 1 year post op and just cannot tolerate protein supplements. I can now eat like a "normal" person and I do eat a lot of meats and cheese, but I have no idea how much to maintain that 60-100 grams of protein. Any suggestions on what I should be eating throughout the day, total to get all the protein in? Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on November 13, 2001)

November 12, 2001
At one point I too was worried I wasn't eating enough protein so I counted every gram I had for a week. I was surprised to find I was having about 110 - 120 grams a day. My normal day is a bowl of cereal/oatmeal and a piece of fruit for breakfast. For lunch I usually have a weight watchers dinner and a piece of fruit. In the afternoon I have a high protein bar for a snack. For dinner I have meat/fish, carb and vegetable. I hope this helps.
   — Helen C.

November 13, 2001
Another great site to try is It is free and is very easy to use to track food and exercise and it can generate all kinds of cool reports for you. It is a really fun and useful site. I do use supplements, but still eat plenty of protein to get that many grams. Breakfast-- 1/4 cup lowfat cottage cheese mised with 1/4 c fat free, sugar free yogurt. I like the precooked chicken that purdue or tyson makes. I get the roast chicken breast and mix it with cottage cheese and eat it with celery or carrots. I have a few pieces of the chicken for a snack if I get hungry. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge and eat one, or make a little egg salad. Eat protein first at dinner and a protein based snack later. It is possible, but you really do have to eat the protein first or you get to full. Track it for a few days, you may be getting more than you think.
   — blank first name B.

November 14, 2001
Someone mentioned CASEC powder. Another great tasteless powder is UpCal-D, made by Tyler Medical Supplies. I have both CASEC and UpCal-D, and I prefer it by far because 1) it's very, very smooth - no grit whatsoever and 2) it has calcium citrate. You can't beat that! If you call them, they'll send you some free samples. Please tell them Felissa sent ya, ok? The contact person is Sherry Kiss and the phone number is 800-941-4222 ext. 30.
   — Felissa L.

November 14, 2001
I like to eat the PowerBar - Protein Plus, Vanilla Yogurt flavor. It has 22 grams of sugar for one bar but you will not be able to eat the whole thing but only half so that will put you down on the sugar at one time. I eat half in the morning and the other half in the afternoon for a total of 24 grams of protein.
   — Penny Smith

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