After having RNY surgery can you swallow pills, even the larger ones?

   — Stephanie S. (posted on November 10, 2001)

November 10, 2001
Not at first. You will need to cut them up or have chewables. For me this stage was only a few weeks long, then it was all normal.
   — blank first name B.

November 10, 2001
I cut them up the first couple weeks, too. Now, no pills scare me. I just don't toss back a handful. Once I had a pair stick together in an X shape. Ouch. I take one at a time, but not much space in between. I HOPE that was a freak thing! I have to say that while it was unpleasant, it did crack me up when I saw the culprits.
   — vitalady

November 10, 2001
i have been swallowing pills whole since four days after surgery..including darvocets which are rather large. haven't had any problems
   — paula B.

November 10, 2001
My surgeon starts his RNY patients on Percocet tablets for pain (uncut/uncrushed) the day after surgery. I was discharged from the hospital two days post-op, and was instructed to resume my previous medications. I never had any problems with tablets or capsules. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

November 11, 2001
For the first 3 wks. my surgeon had me crush my pills and open any capsul and put it in either warm water or very cold unsweetned applesauce. I am now 6 1/2 wks post-op and take all my pills whole and I have not had any problems, hope this helps. and Good luck on with your recovery.
   — Jennie D.

November 11, 2001
My opinion/surgeon's opinion is a little different than the answers here so far. First, you need to know the size of your stoma. My surgeon makes his 10mm...the size of a dime. He says to place the pill over a dime, and if you can see the sides, your fine. Otherwise, you must split it. If any dimension of the pill is larger, and it just happens to get swallowed in that direction, it can get stuck and be very uncomfortable until it gets turned around.
   — Tracy L.

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