Hi Everyone! I am having my surgery in one month and I'm honestly very scared...

that I might back out. And the funny thing is, the most scary part for me, I think, will be the hospital. I have never been in a hospital and I'm panicking...anybody have ideas how to calm myself down? I don't mean to be so dramatic....    — Connie R. (posted on November 8, 2001)

November 8, 2001
Hi Connie. My surgery date is Dec. 6th and I too am very nervous. What helps me is reading each and every question posted on this site. I also scour thru the profiles of members and read about their experiences. This helps me sooo much. Everytime I read about someone having complications and how much pain they must have endured, I read 50 more members profiles that had no complications and were up and around in no time. That makes me feel good...for every one person that has complications there are soooo many that don't. You also have to look at it in terms of, even if you do have pain and complications after the surgery....eventually the pain and complications of not having the surgery and continuing the path of obesity will catch up to you. I would rather risk complications and have a chance at a healthy life in the long run than stay the way I am now and just continue my downhill spiral. Feel free to email me if you ever need to talk. We can always keep eachother company since our dates are so close together.
   — Lori M.

November 8, 2001
I know how you feel, my unofficial date is 12/5 and I am also so scared. The profiles and posts help me get through it. We'll make it!!! I'm here if I can help let me know.
   — Kathy P.

November 8, 2001
I can relate...i had my surgery on 8/16/01 and I was in the hospital for 3 days. I have a 3 year old son and do not get away to often....SOOOOOO I looked at this time in the hospital as a mini vacation. *LOL* Just think the nurses and doctors are all waiting on you...your food it brought right to your dont have to change your sheets ormake your bed and you can watch whatever you want on TV....SOOOO I took a frightening experience and made it a positive. Oh one more thing...when you get visitors they usually bring you presents too!!! Hope this helps...By the way down 63 lbs since 8/16/01 so if that is not worth everything I dont know what is....GOOD LUCK you will do GREAT!!!!!
   — Melissa S.

November 8, 2001
Hi Connie, If there is a support group in your area, even one by another surgeon, go to it. I went to my first one last night. Listen to all the post-ops and see how great they look. You'll be able to ask any questions. I sat and listened. Everyone seemed to tell it like it was and it is so reassuring and uplifting. I'm sure it would put all your doubts to rest.
   — grammie5

November 8, 2001
I STAY scared but focused!!!!! Most of the time now I'm relaxed. I think only on the postive (something creapy comes in now and then). Then my bones start hurting and I think...ohhhh maybe ill wake up one morning AND NO PAIN (LESS PAIN WOULD BE GREAT) and ill slip into that little size 12 dress and say honey take me out!!!! tee hee Think about your health, think about the FUTURE. I don't mean not to learn about the bad, we should KNOW what could happen. But HEY that can happen in ANY surgery. Dec 6 2001.
   — Jackiis

November 8, 2001
Hi Connie... I will not be having my surgery till January but I've had surgery before many times for other things. Its normal to feel a little scared as this is uncharted territory for you. Being 51 and having lived a long obese life, ironically this is one surgery I have no fear of. The greater fear might be if I didn't do it and the prospect of living another 5 or 10 years unable to walk easily, aching everyday, buying larger & larger clothing and most of all not living at all. I want to grow older with my husband in a more healthy way and I want to see the grandchildren I will have through my sons and watch them grow into adults. So maybe ways to get past the fear is: traveling one day at a time, making a list that you can visibly see of why this surgery is important for you, your mini goals along the way and a big goal at the end and stay in touch with all of the caring people you'll meet not only here but in an outside support group meeting people who've been there & done that. You'll do great! Hollar if I can help. Andrea
   — AJC750

November 8, 2001
I was scared to death. But surgery was fine, read my profile. E mail some local post ops and take one who has lost successfully to dinner. Take a husband and wife, and it will cost you only one meal. Someone did this for me before surgery, and the other night I had dinner with wanda smart and her hubby. She said mneeting me helped her a LOT. Truthfully I enjoyed just helping and being a advocate for surgery. I am thrilled with life as a post op and you will be too!
   — bob-haller

November 9, 2001
Hi, of course everyone is probally a little scared. Heck when I woke up, the first thought that went throug my head, was yeah I made it I am alive. I also even thought about backing out after I had made it to the table and had IVS and everything already in place. But trust me, I am not unhappy with my decision to go ahead and do it. I am so much healthier and so much happier than I have ever been in my life. I feel 10x better now. I have more energy now at 5 weeks post op than I did 6 years ago. And that is sad. I am only 26 years old!!!!! I love my life now. Just try not to think about it. Just try and think about the beniefits of this surgery!!!!!! Like being healthier, happier and all around looking better. I know I do. I am 5 weeks out and already lost and excess of 30 lbs!!!!!!!!! Good luck and keep that head held high, God Bless You
   — TONYA B.

November 9, 2001
Let me start by saying,I am also 1 month away from my surgery date 12/10/01,and it's probably hitting me just now that after all these months of waiting for ins approval,dr visits,tests,etc.etc. that surgery is right around the corner!!!! I have mixed emotions as for right now,excited one minute and a little scared the next. The only experience I have had w/being in a hospital was child birth,natural child birth, I have never been "put under"so that is making me nervous. Posting reponses/asking questions really does help. When I get a moment of "dramatics" it helps me to think of every small thing that "normal-sized" people take for granted,that seem to consume my life now,that will change after worried I won't fit into a booth, riding in amusment park rides, finding a seat in an airplane, wanting to run around in the park w/my child,tying my shoes w/out losing my breath,having someone be ashamed of being seen out in public w/me,worried of what name some rude teenager might call me in front of my family/friends,not to mention the health issues that I'm afraid of,,, the list is I'm going through these in my mind,it calms me to think that I will finally be in control of a part of my life,that I have never had control of before,the above mentioned "worries" will be a thing of the past,I will be too busy living again,to even remember the fear of "will I fit" into anything again,and sugery will make this a reality for me.The thought of "freeing" myself of all that baggage emotionally and physically makes the pre-surgery jitters go away. So far it seems to be working,but I do have a whole month to go!!!!! Here's wishing all of us soon-to-be-post-ops the best,we will make it to the other side,because we all deserve the chance to "live" again (((hugs))) Jenn

November 10, 2001
You are not alone!!!! I am a pre-op and my thoughts are going a muck too!!! My main thoughts are that when I am on the surgery table and they are getting me ready to be put me out I will be thinking oh God!! I can't believe this is actually happening to me!!! I never had surgery so I am very scared too. Its like being on a Monster roller coaster! You stand in a mile long line waiting for the ride. The closer you get your heart starts to beat faster. Finally you reached the head of the line and know you are next to get on. You are strapped in and now theres no way to back out!! The monster ride takes off and you are soooo scared. Crazy thoughts run through your mind!!! What if I fall out?? What if the ride jumps off the track and you go sailing through the air!!!!!! But!! After its over, and you get out, you smile thinking heck that was fun and not so scary!!! Guess what?? you get back in line again. Anyway, thats how I look at it now. Do it , get it over, and be so happy you really did!!! Best of Luck and we are all with you on that monster ride!!!!
   — Laura G.

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