Anyone who has had rny who is vegetarian?
Hi everybody!!! Is there anyone out there who is a vegetarian? Although my surgeon stated that it is not a problem, I was wondering if it is harder to find foods to et..or maybe easier?? I've been a veggie for 12 years and can't imagine eating meat again, including chix (but i do eat limited quantity of fish). — Connie R. (posted on November 1, 2001)
November 1, 2001
Hello fellow vegie!!
I too was concerned about this, but have had no problems (see my profile)
and in fact just got my first blood work back and all levels are in range
(B-12, protein, iron, etc) I don't eat any meat or fish, but do use dairy
and egg products. I get most of my protein from shakes (Twinlab Metabolift
- 23 grams per serving) and my food protein from Morningstar Farms brand
Grillers, Chik Patties, Breakfast Patties, etc These are made without meat
but do have egg white in them, also cottage cheese is good for protein and
soy nuts (not early preop) and string cheese, I am managing 60+ grams
easily. I would be happy to communicate with you if you like, please write
to me. Good Luck!! (postop 5-31-01 down 70lbs so far)
— potterylady
November 1, 2001
I'm a veggie too. But, I eat eggs, cheese, a bit of fish and
sometimes a nice, thick steak. Please people!!!! You aren't are people who
don't eat meat or in some case
simply don't eat red meat. That does not make you a vegetarian.
Sheeeesh.....that's like a pipe smoker swearing he doesn't smoke
because he doesn't puff on cigarettes!
— [Anonymous]
November 1, 2001
I am not veggie, but lean away from meats. My protein is chocolate, by
choice, so I don't have to deal with the fibers of the meats. The protein
source is whey which, many processes ago, was cow's milk. If you don't
mind that relation to animals, it's the most bioavilable protein source
there is. And there are soy products, as well, They're further down on the
BV list, but still many levels better than say, rice or beans or cheese.
Many people prefer not to do meats for comfort after surgery. And some do
meat for fun, but do protein supps for protein.
— vitalady
November 1, 2001
Anonymous - what are you trying to say? People that do not eat meat are
not vegetarians? Since When?
Except for the last 7 months, I have been a vegetarian for 14 year (since age 14).
All of a sudden Not eating meat isn't enough? Understand that Morningstar
Farms Grillers and Chik patties have no meat in them. If you consider
eating dairy/eggs not part of a vegetarian diet, you are wrong. It is
Vegans who do not consume dairy, eggs, or honey.
— M. A. B.
November 2, 2001
Anonymous- you are so rude. Vegetarians, like MA Bryant stated, are
those that do not eat chicken or meat. Depending on whether a person is a
moderate or strict vegetarian
determines whether they eat dairy products or fish. Vegans, on the other
hand, refuse to eat animal products. I for one, did not eat meat, chicken,
eggs or fish since I was 12, and just recently started eating dairy and
fish b/c of doctor's orders.
I don't see why you have to be so negative and sarcastic in your answer.
We are all here in this support group for one purpose and that is to help
each other face a very difficult obstacle in life and overcome it. So
please think of that next time you decide to be rude and sarcastic in your
— Connie R.
November 2, 2001
Anonymous I, I love your style! I suspect you had a healthy dose
of tongue in your cheek when you responded. Those pseudo vegetarians
are a surly lot! (lol).
— [Anonymous]
November 2, 2001
One of the things I hope I never lose as a result of wls is my
"sense of humor". The first anonymous obviously was going for
humor. He/she shouldn't give up his/her day job..for sure. Meat
doesn't go down well for me; so, I've been eating a lot of baked
fish, can tuna and eggs to get protein. I always post anonymously
for privacy and I think I have lots and lots to contribute. It's those
pre-ops who answer--when they haven't even had the surgery yet--who
should be ignored. Just everyone.
— [Anonymous]
November 2, 2001
I just have to weigh in on this a vegetarian-wannabee. I got most of my
protein during the first 7 weeks post op from cheese, tofu, eggs, cottage
cheese, lentils and beans. If I had any sense, I would continue to get my
protein from vegie products, but, as a die-hard moderate in all things, I
occasionally have pork chops, liversausage, bacon, chicken, fish, and beef.
I even recently tried buffalo (very tasty, but since I lack the ability to
distinguish it from ground beef, I won't pay 5 bucks a pound anymore). I
personally notice that ham and pork is easier to digest than chicken or
beef. Salmon is easy on the gullet and I have recently discovered those
fake crab leg sticks...tasty and very high in protein. I couldn't wait to
get off the protein supplements (yech!). I prefer "real" food.
Don't forget peanut butter and pea soup as excellent sources of protein!
Good Luck!
— merri B.
November 4, 2001
Well, the company I work for makes morningstar farms products. Lets see we
make of course grillers, chick patties, chick wings, buffalo wings, veggie
patties, steaklets, fish sticks, hot dogs, corn dogs, about 4 different
kinds of canned hotdogs, canned scallopps, burger crumbles, pizza crumbles,
breakfast sandwhichs, better n' eggs, something like a pizza pocket, basil
burgers(real good)bacon, sausage patties, sausage links, we have dinner
roasts, turkey rolls, chick rolls, lentil rice loafs, 9 bean loafs,diced
chick in gravy, canned chick. in gravy, grillers in gravy, meatballs in
gravy, chili, country stew (sort of like beef stew), peanut butter, vegi
burger(looks like sloppy joes to me) ogkara burgers,(yes, thats spelled
right)we also have a bunch of deli styled meat subsitutes like bologna,
wham(guess it's supposed to be spam)chicken, beef, and turkey slices.We
also have this one thing that looks like little square appetizers and
tastes like stuffing. They are frozen. I know all these things are probably
not in the stores, but we have a store that carries everything we make.
These products are under the morningstar farms label and Worthington foods
label.They also do a coffee type drink and a hamburger helper type mix that
has the meat subsitute in it. I'm not for certain how much protein is in
them, but I do know they have to be high in fat because we fry just about
everything exept for the canned stuff, the deli meats,the bacon, and the
sausage links. And they do a baked veggie pattie too. They are very high in
sodium. And I know they will keep your system moving if you know what I
mean. I'll try to remember to see how much protein tonight when I go in.
Anyway, there is a big variety. There are also a couple of other brands out
there (that aren't ours) I can't say how they taste but I know everything I
have tried of ours is good. And I've tried almost all of them.
— K T.
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