My Pcm said I have hypothroidism now she says she won't refer me Help.

I'm tricare prime and my pcp just called and said I have hypothyroidism. and I need to be on medication and she isn't going to even think about referral for at least 6 months. Help is this normal? Will the meds help me lose weight? Or should I look into changing PCPs. I won't if this is really serious. I know nothing about this. Can anyone help me????? Please.>>>>    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 19, 2001)

October 19, 2001
Hello. I also have Hypo and Tricare Prime. I didn;t have a problem with my surgery. I had my surgery 9 weeks ago, and found out about 4 weeks ago that my thyroid was elevated. I need to have my medication adjusted to a higher dose. I personally think that is why I am not losing real fast. But, I don't know. I'm not sure how it all ties in with surgery, but, you should probably be regulated before going in I would think. anyway, good luck to you and if you need to talk feel free to e-mail me.
   — Marlene H.

October 19, 2001
I think your PCP wants you to wait 6 months, because she thinks putting you on synthroid will help you lose weight. What is actually does is increase your energy a little. For me, it initially helped me lose about 40 pounds, but I eventually put that back on, plus more. If I were you, I would CHANGE DOCTORS.
   — Terissa R.

October 19, 2001
I have hypo thyroidism and it was not an issue. Thyroid medication does not usually help with the weight loss. Perhaps your pcp does not understand wls. Some require patients to jump through lots of hoops before they will refer a patient for wls. Good luck!
   — lovebug2

October 20, 2001
Until the synthroid kicks in and your thyroid tests normal losing weight will be a problem even with surgery. A low thyroid function means a really low metabolism. synthroid takes a while to level out the thyroid. I know it took 4 months from diagnosis and gradually increasing amounts of synthroid to get to a normal thyroid level. why have the surgery and waste 3 or 4 months of your honey moon period when you can get your levels up to normal and lose faster if you wait a bit. Once the levels test normal then it shouldn't be an issue. I have been on synthroid for 16 years, it's really not bad. I am sure you are frustrated at the hold up, I sure would be, but I'd want to optimize my fastest losing period after my surgery with the highest metabolism I am capable of too. Good luck!
   — Becky K.

December 29, 2001
I WAS hypothyridic and I AM Tricare Prime. It was one of the main reasons my PCM referred me for the surgery along with manyothers. Since surgery & losing weight, my thyroid is now normal and I am off the meds. I'd find a new PCM. It takes about 6 weeks for the thyroid meds to start working.
   — [Anonymous]

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