I want to take a month off but I found out my surgeon only gives 2 to 3 weeks.

I have really been looking forward to my break from as a long need vacation. I fill that I will need a month off to deal with the emotional and physical aftermath of this surgery. As I was arranging for the California State Disability Insurance form to be mailed to me I learned that they only cover you for the length of time the surgeon authorizes. My surgeon only authorizes his patients for 2 to 3 weeks. Would it be inappropriate to ask the surgeon to extend this? What should I do? Has anyone else ever dealt with this. I don't have money to just be off of work without pay so I really need the insurance.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 5, 2001)

October 5, 2001
I wouldn't think this is innappropriate to bring up. My surgeon lets people go back when they're ready but he doesn't push at all. 2-3 weeks is probably just an estimate. I went back at 3 weeks and my boss called the next day and told me to take another week. So I think 4 weeks is pretty reasonable. Remember that if you have complications, it can easily set you back a week too. I don't think any surgeon will make you go back before you're ready.
   — kcanges

October 5, 2001
My surgeon too releases patients to return to work in two weeks, but at my job, I could take up to 6 weeks Short-Term Disability, and that's what I put in for. My surgeon signed the papers, no problem. Definitely ask your surgeon if he will agree to let you stay out 4 weeks. I wouldn't think he'd have a problem with it.
   — blank first name B.

October 5, 2001
I was off work for 4 1/2 weeks and still felt weak upon returning to work. Of course, I had the open RNY, so my healing time was a little slower. I would definitely see how you feel after surgery, and if you need longer than 3 weeks, talk to your doctor about it. Who knows - you might be bored sitting at home any longer than that!
   — Terissa R.

October 5, 2001
My surgeon also only gives 2-3 weeks off. I wanted 6 weeks and had the time available. On my final meeting with the surgeon I brought my paperwork with me and explained to him my situation, he had no problem with it. I think it is easier to do it face to face rather than a phone call. Makes it easier for them to say no. GOOD LUCK
   — kristen H.

October 5, 2001
Wow! I must be lucky. My surgeon took me off for 8 weeks no ifs, ands or buts. I had open. And even though I wanted to go back early - last week - I'm glad I'm not because I have now begun to get tired. I think a month is a good amount of time and you should discuss with your surgeon that you feel you may need that or alittle longer to recover.
   — K T.

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