3 & half pain very low in abdomen

I am 3 and a half months post op and I woke up in the middle of the night and thought that I was going to have to go to the emergency room. I am having gas pains (I think) very low in my abdomen. The pain is situated a little left of center and is very low. Throughout the day, it has gotten a bit better but is still very, very painful. I have not had this problem before and I am not sure what caused it. Yesterday, I had a half egg for breakfast with cheese on it. Lunch-3 oz. potatoe stew that has bacon peices and green onions in it. Supper-2 oz. lasangna, an ounce and a half or so of salad and a half of a small garlic cheese roll. Today, I have not eaten that much at all because I have not felt like it. I did take two Phazyme this morning and they did little or anything at all to help. What caused this and what can I do to relieve it.    — Heather D. (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 1, 2001
Heather, If you are still experiencing pain- call your surgeon. If I ever have had pain from eating or not chewing well, it has never lasted longer than a few hours. I have had a friend who had pain that lasted and got worse over time and she ended up with a bowel obstruction. I am no Dr- so call yours and good luck!
   — M B.

October 1, 2001
I would see the surgeon immediately, it sounds more like the pain I had with my bowel obstruction. It is better to check than to wait. A bowel obstruction can be deadly if not fixed. Please don't wait, call your surgeon to check. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — Maria H.

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