My PCP wants me to try Meredia, says surgery is too drastic

I saw my PCP today for a required physical before surgery. The time before when I saw him he wanted me to give Weight Watchers another try and this time he wants to write me a RX for Meredia. He seems very against surgery and talks about all the horror stories(From years ago I'm sure). I have used this guy for about 12 years now, so I don't want to change unless I have to. I don't even feel like trying to argue my case with him, he is a doctor but it is only an opinion. I feel like I'm tired of explaining to people what the surgery is, how they do it, the long-term results --- Anybody know where I'm coming from. I did my research and I am at ease about my decision. I just want to have surgery and get healthier and then people may understand where I was coming from. Oh yah, my PCP also said that I was not everweight enough to go that drastic- IS 150 pounds overweight not enough!!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 19, 2001)

September 19, 2001
Politely tell him, that you are the customer, it is your body and you have made a decision. If he feels that it is the wrong decision, then fine, that's his opinion, but in the end YOU are the on it effects. Hell, even sign a release form if that's what he's worried about, and a lot of them are. If you want to get more technical, let him know that there is plenty of research to counter his "opinion" and offer to give him your surgeon's number so they can discuss. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

September 19, 2001
Find another PCP. If you know what surgeon you want to use for your weight loss surgery, call them and ask for the name of PCPs who refer to them. Or you can do a peer search for post-ops in your area and see the PCP they may have used.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 19, 2001
My PCP did the same thing. I finally told him that I PAID for his service, that I did not pay to be talked down to. I was on Meridia for about 3 weeks. You have to be careful with it. One of the side affects of it is that it makes you very hostile.Example-- I had someone cut me off in traffic and I followed them into the parking lot and let them have it. I normally would never do something like that. I started to think back to when this "hostile" feeling started and found it was on day 2 of taking the Meridia. Just something to look out for.
   — Stephany W.

September 19, 2001
Hey. My PCP was really agains surgery as well. I had seen here for almost 10 yrs. Now I weighed 400 lbs. My answer get a new Dr. I am now 5 days post op and very very happy I stood up for myself.
   — Jennifer H.

September 19, 2001
It's unfortunate that your Dr. will not support you in this decision. Especially since you have been with him so long. I would make list of the all the diets, time frames on them and the amount of weight lost and gained with each one. Go back to your Dr. with this ammo and try once again to get him on your side. Personally, I was on Merida for a three month period (and the insurance wouldn't cover it so I paid the 80 bucks each month) and I did not lose more than 5 pounds the entire time. I fell blessed that my initial PCP that I had been seeing for 13 years supported my decision and gave me the referral I needed before she left practice to be a full time mom. I call her every now and then to update her on my progress. I wish you the best of luck!!
   — Betty M.

September 19, 2001
Get a new PCP!
   — Tracey D.

September 19, 2001
I couldn't get my PCP to prescribe Meridia because one of it's biggest side-effects is to cause a significant increase in blood pressure. Mine's already high, so I couldn't take it. I'm surprised it gets prescribed as much as it does because so many of us have high blood pressure.
   — scottiemaam O.

September 19, 2001
I think it's also time to check out a new PCP. One that is educated in bariatric surgery. There are some they are hard to find..but with the help of this site I think you could do it. It's ridiculous for these physicans to be perscribing high rate of side effect medications like candy...(excuse the expression). I also had to educate my PCP about WLS and he listened. Are there support groups in your area where you can attend and find out more about understanding PCP and who other WLS patients go to. Good luck. GET A NEW ONE!
   — Karen Renee

September 19, 2001
Get a new PCP!!!!! I had the same problem with my PCP. He strung me along for FIVE years with - first try this, now this, etc. Get a PCP who supports this (Ask your surgeon for a PCP who has recommended others). If you don't like the new PCP, switch back to the old one after the surgery.
   — Julie S.

September 19, 2001
The argument I use and the only one I really keep ready is that the success rate of diets is so dismal. Even the success rate of diets in conjunction with Meridia is dismal. If any other drug has such miserable success rates, it wouldn't be recommended at all. Especially when surgery has such a high success rate comparatively. However, the best thing you can show your doctor is your own success. One real patient is worth a hundred stories and articles. If you show him your success, that will make the biggest impression of all. So if you really want to stick with him, just be prepared for the bias.
   — kcanges

September 19, 2001
I think Merida might work for someone with 50 or less pounds to lose. I did use it 3yrs ago and lost close to 90lbs, actually about 50 on my own. Now 2yrs later I have gained 40lb back and I still need to lose 165lb. I am lucky my PCP has just agreed I am a perfect canidate for WLS,don't waste too much time with guy,this is your decision
   — Sharron J.

September 19, 2001
If he is a dr you like except for this aspect, temporarily change to a different dr. That is what i did because my dr would refer me for surgery but only to a dr in his network i did not want to go to. I figured i am the one being cut on, i should be able to chose who i feel comfortable with
   — paula B.

September 19, 2001
I tried Meredia, but it made my heart have a fast beat and I was always was nervious. I have to stop taking it. I would try it, but if you have the same side effects let him know on your next vistit. Then he should agree on your wishes for surgery,but if he don't I would try another doctor. good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

September 20, 2001
I would make an appt and explain to your PCP that you want this surgery and that you have knowledge about it and truly want to see a surgeon about it. If the DR will not give you a referral I would find a new PCP. I tried Meridia and Zenical and every other pill out there before having my WLS. Meridia made me feel like my heart was racing too fast. I did not like it. I am 2 weeks post op and I agree that this surgery is drastic. But for me I knew that I wanted to change my life and I would not do it any other way....Good Luck
   — Diane P.

October 13, 2001
MERIDIA is a terrible drug! I felt like I was losing my mind or something. I didn't understand why everything was such a big deal, I felt like quitting my job, the whole world sucked! In spite of the Prozac & Trazadone I was already taking for depression. It didn't help me lose any weight anyway. My PCP doesn't "believe" in the gastric bypass either. The answer to that is they are not current on their research of the RNY. Good Luck.
   — Julie M.

October 14, 2001
First according to barb thompsons book regular diet, loose 5% of excess weight and keep it off. Meredia is 10% only 5% better. So meredia is just 10 pounds lost if you 100 pounds overweight. I KNOW that 10 pounds is trivia for me. Now your PCP may be a nice person but isnt up to date on WLS. Now what else isnt he up to date on? Thats the reason to insist on surgery or tell him you will go elsewhere. Then even if you dont keep him as a doctor visit him after you loose most of the weight and show him the results. Not for yourself but for the next patient you uninformed doc could kill by discouraging one of your brothers or sisters. A morbidly obese looking for a solution. I am doing this for a pulmonary doctor who tried to discourage me from surgery, he is mentioned in my profile. Sorry for the rant, this is a hot button for me. Fortunately my PCP already had a couple WLS patients and was very supportive of my surgery. I just wish he had informed me of the possiblity earlier.
   — bob-haller

November 3, 2003
I have done alot of research on wls, as I have been overweight most of my life and yo-yo dieter, I am 30 and I am 5'1 and weight 225 lbs, my BMI is 42. I have been so depressed since I went to my PCP this week. I was weary of her reaction to my request for wls, she is about my height and a petite blond, not that there is anything wrong w/that, but I had a feeling she wouldn't be very understanding. She "informed" me that I wasn't overweight enough and she doesn't recommend the drastic surgery and that she is taking care of two patients who are dying from "malabsorption syndrome". (I thought that was part of the process?) She made me feel like crap and made me second guess myself and my previously supportive husband now doesn't want me to have the surgery. She gave me a referral anyways, but I was so excited and now am I am feeling hopeless again. I think if you can't live your life d/t no energy easily winded,aches and pains, etc. and being a reclusive shut in d/t weight issues would warrant a drastic measure. Am I delusional? By the way this provider wrote me a prescription for meridia, while I was on zoloft and d/t my own research, I found that I shouldn't take the meridia because of "seratonin syndrome". OH well, are surgeons more supportive and better informed? sorry to ramble here, thanks for listening.
   — Serenity NOW

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