Paul Harvey advertised a product called New Skin

Has anyone tried it for thier scar? I was wondering if it worked for surgery patients.    — Jackiis (posted on September 2, 2001)

September 2, 2001
New Skin has been around for years. Basically its a liquid bandage that you brush over a cut an allow to dry. Bowlers use it on their thumbs if they have thumb problems, because coming out of the ball can irritate the injury. As far as it working for surgical scars, I would doubt it. You might be better off using Scargo or Mederma to help fade the scars. New Skin, as far as I know, doesn't help fade surgical scarring.
   — Dee P.

September 2, 2001
I used New Skin over the place where I removed a friction blister, intending for it to 'protect and heal'. It caused a chemical burn on the tender skin. A chemical burn is a burn that is caused by harsh chemicals. I wouldn't suggest it for your incision.
   — merri B.

September 3, 2001
Actually, there are, or were, two products with the same name. One (NuSkin) is basically almost the same recipe as fingernail polish, or pretty close. And yes, it can BURN tender skin. It is only good for very shallow minor cuts and so on. The other (?SecondSkin)you would find only in surgical supply stores. It is a sheet of moist sterile gel between two sheets of perforated plastic. You peel off one side and apply the other side to the injury. It is sterile. Because it protects the wound from germs and friction, and keeps it moist, it is very good for relieving pain on, say, a burn, bedsore, or large abrasion. It absorbs secretions from the wound (exudate) and helps keep it clean. But ask your doctor (or better yet, a wound care nurse, because a lot of docs know zero about wound care products) if it is right for a surgical incision. I think it's much better for those other things instead. I used it after laser surgery on a plantar's wart on my foot--I went from being unable to walk to painless normal walking. BTW, However, the silicone sheets available for scar reduction are great--research shows they really work.--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

September 3, 2001
after re searching i see you are correct. I did however find a product called Kelo-cote. Its expensive...but they clame its great. You can find it on the net. And others on this site have used it with good success. I'm checking with my druggest tomorrow....
   — Jackiis

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