If we lose weight anyhow on this small amount of food

why the high doses of protein my dr says hi prot. doses can be hard on kidneys? thanks jacki    — Jackiis (posted on July 31, 2001)

July 31, 2001
the doses of protein are to keep muscle and allow you to burn fat. If you take in too little protein your body will burn your muscle before it takes the fat away. At least this is how it was explained to me.
   — blank first name B.

July 31, 2001
If you have kidney concerns then you still need 60 grams of protein to protect your vital organs like your heart but need to get in some carbs too for balance.
   — bob-haller

July 31, 2001
Because WLS patients eat so little, most of it must be protein. If you don't get 40-60 grams of protein a day, your body will start to consume muscle (including your heart) tissue to create protein. With the protein, your body will keep its muscle and burn fat for fuel for energy. Those who ignore the amount of protein required will be far more likely to have large amounts of hair loss postop. It is not hard on your kidneys as long as you are getting the 64 oz of water a day that you are supposed to.
   — Lisa D.

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