Is there anything to do that might help avoid a herneia after surgery ...

   — Jackiis (posted on July 22, 2001)

July 22, 2001
I've been there, done that! Do NOT lift over 10 pounds for 8 weeks following surgery - NEVER. Do not vacuum, or move furniture, or pick up a baby or a small child or a dog, anything like that. Ten pounds is the limit! It does not matter if you have lap or open surgery, it does not matter how good you feel. Your insides have to heal. Do not exercise except for walking during that time period. When you do start exercising after that or lifting weights, do this gradually, build up. I had an incisional hernia from a previous, old-fashioned open style gall bladder surgery. It was repaired two years prior to my WLS, then re-repaired during my WLS -- NOW it is fine. Take care and avoid this needless extra surgery!
   — Cindy H.

July 22, 2001
Things that you can control is not lifting after surgery and wear a binder or good firm support all in one girdle post-op, however, this may be out of your control..some hernias develop for no reason other than weakness in the abdominal wall from the incision itself. I was on a 10 pound weight limit.. and I still developed another hernia.. Now I cannot lift over 5 pounds... and trust me that is hard to comply with.
   — Victoria B.

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