How well do we absorb antibiotics?

I am 8 months post op from an open RNY. I have been doing really well and I have lost 96 lbs. I just found out that I have pheumonia. I was prescribed a antibiotic a decongestant and a cough pill. I try and take them on a full stomach to allow time for absorbation. I am interested to know how well do we absorb these medications?    — Paula G. (posted on February 28, 2001)

March 1, 2001
I have seen several people report that they have trouble absorbing oral antibiotics after gastric bypass surgery. I don't know what it is about antibiotics in particular that makes them hard for us to absorb, but it is something to keep in mind. Also, if something is in a long-acting or time-released formula, we may not get the full benefit of it. Definitely keep an eye on your symptoms, and if the infection doesn't seem to be getting better, check back with your doctor. He might need to raise your dosage or even give you an injection of antibiotics. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

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