What to do when the hospital has no record of when I did the Optifast Program?

I did the optiafast program, about 10 - 12 years ago. It was going to be the only "program" I could prove. Weight watchers has no records (I do have some cancelled checks over the years, but not many) The hospital stopped the Optifast program many years ago, and no one seems to know where any of the records are. What, if anything, can be done? Any ideas? Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 23, 2000)

September 23, 2000
I had a similar problem. I was told that Optifast records only had to be kept for 10 years, then they could destroy them. I kept bugging the medical records at my hospital and discovered they had been warehoused in another building. I pleaded with someone and they went searching - took about a week, but I got them. Also, go back to the physician who oversaw the program, his office may have the records. Another possibility is to check with your PCP as they may remember you going to the program and may have notes in your medical files about your progress (mine did). Also, if you were dealing with an insurance company for your program, they may have a record of your visits. If nothing turns up, prepare an affidavit and state all the ways you attempted to locate the records, etc. and discuss your progress or lack thereof. Sometimes, records cannot be located. Good luck. DW
   — D W.

September 23, 2000
Hi, I didn't need documentation. If you are overweight, they know you have probably tried every diet on the planet. All I did was tell the doctor each diet I had tried and failed. They never asked me for documentation.
   — Carrol M.

September 24, 2000
Definately check with your the PCP you had a the time you were on the Optifast program. My PCP was sent copies of everything when I was on the program from weight charts to blood workups.
   — DolcezzaVT

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