PLEASE HELP - I was denied for a couple of reasons...

I was denied for 2 reasons. One was I have nothing under a medically supervised diet plan from the last 24 months. (Still trying to find out what the other part was) Anyway, I have gone this route years earlier, but didn't succeed. Why throw good money after bad. I thought for sure I would be approved cause of a condition of Pseudo Tumor Ceriebi (I could go blind) I plan on getting some letters together from some doctors (opthamologist, psych, PCP) and I will write a letter myself. Do you think this will be a waste of time. Or do they really mean it when they say I have to do something over the last 24 months. Any adive? PLEASE?    — Karen A. (posted on August 30, 2000)

August 30, 2000
Absolutely not a waste of time! There are so many people on this site who have had to do exactly the same thing and it has been a fight but a sucessful one in some cases. Others are still fighting and squirming for a different way to succeed at this. Do you have documentation of your previous attempts--all of them, recorded and in your letter. Make it a heart wrenching letter too...throw everything you have at them. So much for the moral support part. Now the practical: What does your policy say? Exact words please! There is the key to trying to get past this and what does the denial say with exact words, please. I live in Milwaukee and am going thru trials and tribulations, too. Let me know if I can help can email me if you want. I love to figure ways to succeed in this. Best of Luck and Hugs
   — JennyLynn A.

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