I am coming by car to Indianapolis which is a 10-hour drive; I am concerned about the

trip home. For you post ops out there - 1. Do you think I can make the return trip by car? 2. What do you suggest that I wear for the trip? Would a mummu-type thing (no waist) be better than slacks, even with an elastic waist? As we have to stop for meals - at least 2 main ones, what would you suggest that I order so early on post-op? Thanks.    — Sandy C. (posted on January 12, 2000)

January 11, 2000
If I were you I would check with my doctor about this trip. I don't think it matters what you wear as long as it is comfortable but you don't want anything that constricts your circulation. You should stop the car and walk at least once an hour, do ankle pumps in the car and change positions often to avoid blood clots in your legs. What you should eat will depend upon what kind of diet your doctor recommends. You might be better off packing a small cooler.
   — Lisa O.

January 11, 2000
Perry ... Wow, 10 hours is a long trip. Are you having an open or a Lap procedure done? My suggestion to you for the trip is make sure there are lots of pillows around for proping yourself. I would stop and get out and walk around quite a bit. As far as clothing, a loose pair of sweat pants or jersy knits would be fine and a nice long top thats loose fitting, that way you are comfy and can still walk in and out of restaurants. My first few days of eating were very sparce, I would not worry too much about this. Some suggestions to get you through would be applesauce, cream of chicken soup (do not eat the chunks), a baked potato or mashed. Trust me, food is the last thing on your mind. I know thats hard to believe right now, but honestly, you will not care if everyone else around you is eating lobster and you get a cracker. You will begin eating to survive and controling the food. Not the other way around. I would also make sure that the doctor gives you some pain meds for the trip... my guess is, you will sleep through most of it. Hope you have a comfy car. Good Luck! It is an incredible journey that is worth every single step! Live Well, Laugh Often & Love Much Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

January 11, 2000
You of course need to check with your surgeon, but I think 10 hours is way too long without regular walks, that close after surgery. I would plan on getting out and doing a hospital/hall type walk about every hour. At the restaurants just follow his diet. They should have some type of clear soup that you can drink the broth from. What about fruit juices, (possibly diluted w/water), or V-8? If he puts you on soft foods before discharge refried beans w/cheese are wonderful and loaded w/protein, low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese are all good choices. Good Luck!
   — jjames-thomas

January 11, 2000
Dear Sandy Yes 10 hours sounds long. My Post op trip home is 6.5-7 hours and we plan on doing it in two days. Drive for 4 hours and then stop and get comfy in a hotel for the night. Then continue on the next day for the rest. As for what to wear......I have heard that an abdominal binder is a godsend. I plan to get one for after my 1 week post op even though my Dr. does not ask me to get one. Just a few thoughts. Good Luck and God Bless. Lori
   — Lori W.

January 12, 2000
Sandy/Perry,KS, I would definitely wear loose mu-mu type clothing on the trip home. If your front seat reclines or the back seat is comfy to lay in ( bring several pillows for your new tummy& between your knees) you should be okay. Food will be liquids like soup( clear for now), mashed potatoes, jello or pudding) as your tummy willm not tolerate much else...and drink lots of water to help rid you body of the anesthesia meds. Best wishes for a safe surgery & trip home.
   — Kathy A.

January 12, 2000
I went through this very thing after my open RNY on December 8th. My surgeon said no to driving home after surgery made me wait 14 days after staples and drain were taken out. Reason being two main ones.. Blood clots can develop when traveling long distance. Other reason being developing leaks post-op, he wanted me in the city if any developed. Now when he did let me travel home which was the 21st ( it was a 10 hr. drive also) He asked that I stop every 45 minutes to walk.. Now, on the eating part, I had jello, water and sugar free juices in a cooler. However, we stopped twice at a restaurant. We looked for ones with smorgasbord so I could get soup (most all do have soup of the day).. You know my husband ate every thing on the smorgasbord and it didn't bother me a bit I was very content with my soup.. Good Luck and know we all are all with you in our thoughts. Victoria Lynn
   — Victoria B.

January 12, 2000
Hi Sandy, I had to ride for about 2 1/2 hours home and was very very very sore when I got here. I took pain medication just before I left the hospital, but I was glad I did not live any farther. 10 hours is very hard to imagine. Maybe you should think about making the trip over a period of a couple of days. A muumuu is the best suggestion I would give! You are not going to want anything to touch your staple line! I do mean nothing! No panties either, maybe you can keep them pulled down below your button! You will be opened from your breast bone to your belly button if you are having Open RNY. And your are not supposed to have more than 3 ounces of clear liquids per hour! Like broth or diluted apple juice(50% water and 50% juice). Maybe someone could make them up in advance and then you could just sip on them. Of course water is allowed also. You should really talk to your doctor about the trip home. Maybe he would have some different suggestions. Good luck and I will keep you in my positive thoughts. Cheri
   — Cheri H.

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