I know this may be the dumbest question ever asked but.....

Has anyone ever had a problem because of the staples placed in their bodies? I mean, has there been a problem with metal detectors ar security checkpoint alarms going off because of the "hardware" in their bodies?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 21, 1999)

September 21, 1999
Not a dumb question . . . particularly if you travel a lot. I have staples from my wls, staples in my heels/ankles, and a prosthetic hip that's made of titanium, ceramic, and teflon (I'm only 30!) and I travel quite a bit and have never set off an alarm. The staples from wls are usually made of non-metallic materials (like titanium) and do not interfere with things like MRI, and airport monitors.
   — Zoe S.

September 22, 1999
No the staples are much to small to cause trouble like that.
   — Bruce B.

September 22, 1999
Hi, I have not have any trouble at the airport security with my staples. My husband has a steel rod in his back and that sets the airport security alarms off. But mine never has.
   — Ellen M.

September 22, 1999
I had to fly back home after one week post-op and I still had all my staples in. I had no problem making it through the metal detectors at the airport. I have an Uncle who had pins in his leg and he will sometimes make the metal detector go off. I believe it takes alot of metal to make it register.
   — bperrin

September 25, 1999
I had to giggle, because I was afraid of the same thing when I flew home from surgery. Nope ... no problems with the interior staples and metal detectors, I have often wondered though, if I'd flown home prior to having the incision staples removed, if THAT might have set off the metal detector ... probably would've here in KC as they're set very sensitive here.
   — Sherrie G.

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