2 years out and only lost 50lbs I'm discouraged, help please?

I do exercise 3 x a week, I've turn mainly vegetarian, my husband now works 2nd shift job so I have no one to cook for and I won't cook for myself. I eat shrimp, lobster, tuna, some pasta alfredo, plenty of fruit and water. I have a hernia that is large and needs to be fixed but he wants to wait until I get my tummy tuck done. I don't want to gain my weight back, my eating habits are very poor. I'm also dealing with being bi-polar and some emotional problems lately. I did go back to work but had to quit due to medical problems. I'd love to hear from anybody at all. Thank you in advance, Smile, Deborah    — Deborah (posted on July 26, 2005)

July 26, 2005
I am also 2 years post-op, you ask for suggestions, so here goes. First, if I was you I would get with my nutionist and talk to him/her about my eating habits, and get them back on track. Second, are you drinking soda or carbinated drinks, the carbination can stregth the tummy. Are you drinking while you eat or right after, because you may be washing away all that you just ate. If you have only lost 50 lbs, maybe you need to talk to your WLS about a revision. Be pro-active, you had this surgery to improve your health, and the reason you are not at goal weight may not be your fault. Tell your husband that hernia's can erupt if they get to large, so that needs to be addressed by your pcp.
   — cindy

July 26, 2005
I'm 4 years plus PO. 1st, please do get with your pcp and/or surgeon. You could very well be a candidate for a revsion. For now,Let me tell you some things that have worked and still work for me. I need to keep a high protein diet. "Normal" ideas about weight loss and "dieting" don't apply to me. Fruits are too high in sugar, non-existant in protein. For me they are not the right choice, unless for a treat AFTER I have my protein requirments in. For that same reason I also do not eat alot of salads or veggies. Both are treats, after I eat my requirements. Yes, I've eaten green beans as a snack, as desert! When I get the "carb" crazies, I get back to the basics. Alot of protein & water. I get in about 100oz of non cafine/carbonated beverages a day. I never drink with my meals, and I don't drink pop very often. Not because it will strech my pouch, which I don't believe, but because it makes my pouch feel yukky, and sugar-free pop can trigger eating. I try not graze, I plan what I eat. Not so much a menu plan as making sure I have the right foods in the house that give me the freedom of choice. I remember seeing a "diet" magazine a while back, that showed this very small serving of meat--the way it was fixed it was apx 450 calories. The message was that instead of this small serving they would show me how to eat the same amount of calories and have a huge meal. All I could think of was that I wanted to know how to make the meat dish for 450 calories. I only have so much room, and I want to get the most out of the food I eat. I had to change my entire way of looking at weight loss. I have to eat more to lose and maintain. Too little, and I can re-gain. Sounds crazy, but it's true. Good luck to you!, Bek
   — bek4901

July 26, 2005

   — Kasey

July 26, 2005
I would suggest that you review the Pouch Rules and DRINK MORE PROTEIN. Don't use the protein supplement as a meal replacement. You may want to contact your surgeon to make sure the surgery is still intact. Was your pouch just stapled or was it also transected?
   — SJP

July 27, 2005
You mentioned that you are dealing with bi-polar and depression issues. What medications are you taking? You will need to discuss these medications with your nutritionist and PCP as well as your diet. Most medications for depression and bi-polar disorder cause weight gain. I agree with the others, focus on your protein. has a nice sample pack of protein drinks you can get - it will help add some variety to your selections. If you can only get an intense workout in 3 x a week, try adding an hour walk every day - and I don't mean sauntering or strolling down the street. Go for it, see how far you can get in one hour. Ask your husband to join you on your walk, it gives you time to talk and share time together without any distractions. Good luck.
   — sabrekittie

July 28, 2005
Deborah, Has your doc done an REE(don't know what it stands for) and body comp. That will tell you just how much you are/ fat vs. muscle. It will also tell them how many calories it takes to maintain your current weight and how much it will take to start losing again. It will also tell you how your metabolism is, and then you will know what needs to be done to kick start your weight loss again. As they have said, alot of the meds that are used for emotional problems, can also be appetite boosters. Like we need that, right. The only antidepressants that the doc will let me use are lexapro or wellbutrin. I am not really familiar with the meds used for bipolar, but check them out and make sure that you aren't using something that stimulates the appetite. I am an emotional eater and fight that problem, so I feel like I don't need anything working against me if I can help it. Email me back if you want, I would be glad to be part of your cheering section and I could use one in my corner too. I will pray for you and me too!!!!!!!!!!!!Debbie
   — imdebbie

August 26, 2005
On surgery day I was 255 and today I am 230. I cry often about this because it is embarrassing when other people at the school I work have lost weight down to size 8 and below with this surgery. I am in a 1x or 2x size shirt and size 18 jeans. I look and feel like a failure!!! It is easy for people to assume that it is my fault and that I eat too much. Why can everyone else only eat such a small amount and be satisfied. So easy for them........why??? Could it be our surgeon? Something major I am doing wrong?
   — Diane S.

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