Does anyone have an Idea on the $$ of PS on the eyelides upper & lower?

Just wondering if anyone know of the cost of plastic surgery on the eyelids, both top & bottom? Thanks MaryLyn    — Kriola (posted on July 18, 2005)

July 18, 2005
I had my upper eyelids done a couple of months ago here in Liberal, Ks. It cost me a total of $700 payable at the time of service.
   — Linda Brown

July 19, 2005
Im the D.C. area, I paid $5K for upper and lower eyelid lift (partially covered by insurance as medically necessary due to constant tearing) and eyebrow lift (not covered at all 'cuz I figured, "what the hey"). It was surprisingly and pleasantly helpful in getting rid of a lot of that older/wrinkly look that showed up in my face after my weight loss, without having to do an actual face lift.
   — Suzy C.

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