My iron levels are VERY low what can I do to get them back on track??

I am two years post op, I have lost 150 lbs, no complications until now. I am now on teporary disability due to anemia, my levels range from 4 to 8 (YES) I have been taking my supplements faithfully. I told my hematologist that I had WLS and maybe I need to take iron injections, but she won't budge. A blood transfusion is not an option for me. I am taking Procrit injections once a week to boost my energy, does anyone have any help for me??    — Mssxyred1 (posted on July 4, 2005)

July 4, 2005
I personally would find another doctor.
   — SJP

July 4, 2005
when you say levels do you mean hemaglobin, ferritin or hematicrit? my hematologist has me on 975mg of iron a day. my hmgb/hct were 27 and 8.4 one year ago. now the are 41 and 13.4 my ferritin one year ago was almost undetectable on the lab test 0.5 normal is around 20 (I think) my hematologist said ok to the surgery and told me if my Iron levels drop again he would use IV iron therapy for me. I would find a doctor that is willing to work with you. my lap-band is on the 18th of july. and my hematoligist said he would do anything to help me if needed and was all for me having the surgery. there are ways around the anemia you just need to find a doctor willing to help you. Iv and injections do come with risks and have to be monitored there is a high risk of reactions. but if you go to someone who knows what they are doing they are low. my doctor does them all the time. hope I helped cynthia
   — gurdy

July 4, 2005
Procrit takes a while to see results. it actually makes your body produce red blood cells and it needs adequate iron to work. What kind of iron are you supplementing with? Some people get better results from carbonyl iron. Have you talked to your WLS surgeon? he is more familiar maybe with the needs of your surgery and could possibly talk to the hematologist for you or recommnd one who is knowledegable in this area.
   — **willow**

July 5, 2005
Tangie, YOu need iron supplements & very soon. Find a Doc that will give it to you. You might also start taking B-12 Sublingual, it will also help with you anemia. If it gets any lower, you could have real problems. Talk to you WLS doc as soon as possible to get this corrected. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

July 5, 2005
visit your WLS is the best answer. BUT, I also was anemic really bad. I have had RNY. If this is what you had then you need to take carbonyl iron, amino iron gluconamte or ferrous furamate iron. No Slow Fe. that is ferrous sulfate which we only absorb a little of. I buy carbonyl iron at CVS pharmacy under the brand name Sun Down. Within two weeks of taking it my iron was slowly beginning to go back up and now it is perfect. Good luck
   — Delores S.

July 5, 2005
As always -- get a 2nd opinion -- remember, not all doctor's graduated in the top half of their class.
   — Jenny X.

July 5, 2005
I don't know if you know this, but most doctors have very little training in nutrition. See if you can find a doctor that specializes in nutrition and excercise. They have the training that is needed for nutrition. If you ask a surgeon, hemotologist, or family doctor, if they are honest, will admit to little knowledge in that field. Go to a Specialist, but make sure that they are trained in nutrition! Good Luck, I have had a couple of people in my support group that has had the same problem.
   — jk_harris

July 5, 2005
Not to sound like a broken record, but find another doctor. You desperately need a second, or third opinion here.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 6, 2005
Tangie I know of a program in Phoenix AZ @ Banner Good Samaritam Medical Center that has helped many people. I am one of Jehovah's Witness and do not take blood so I can understand your problem. If you contact Richard or Stacy with the blood conservation unit at Good Sam they may be able to give you some info to help you. The number is 877-815-3114. I hope this helps. Cindy
   — Cindy W.

July 6, 2005
Anemia is nothing to ignore! I'd get a 2nd opinion from your non-budging hematologists, maybe a 3rd! What does your PCP think, for example? I don't know how far out from surgery you are, but can you eat liver meats & spinach & other iron-rich foods? All the best, Lauralyn
   — EmbodySuccess

July 7, 2005
Iron infusions did the trick for me.
   — zoedogcbr

July 11, 2005
I too have very low iron levels and have been diagnosed with Anemia. My PCP told me to take Slo-Fe but, I've still been taking Foltrin - the original Iron Supplement my Bariatric Surgeon prescribed for me right after surgery, which was in 2002. My PCP told me to up my dosage to three times a day but, I've still seen no improvement ~ I'm thinking I may have to go in for Iron shots now too. I was fine for almost three years post-op until I gave birth five months ago ~ I could tell RIGHT away after my daughter was born that I was anemic... Good Luck to us cause this fatigue is for the BIRDS!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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