Has anyone been diagnosed with h-pylori?

Has anyone been diagnosed with h-pylori, gone through the 2 week treatment, waited 30 days for the re-testing, and have it show up again? This is the only thing that is holding the surgeons office back from presenting it to my insurance company and I would hate for it to come back and have to go through that nasty medicine again.    — chilin1106 (posted on August 26, 2004)

August 26, 2004
i have never been diagnosed with h-pylori but, if Im not mistaken it is the bacteria that causes peptic ulcer disease, in case you didnt know what it was. i looked it up in my nursing book and it didn't say anything about it recurring after eradication....good luck!!!

August 26, 2004
My dad had that happen to him. After the second go round with the medication he was cured though. I have never gone through it but have heard how nasty the medication is. Good Luck.
   — arlene713

August 26, 2004
Most definetly this can happen. Hpylori is a very stubborn bacteria. The reason docs want to be absolutely sure that you are rid of this nasty bug before surgery is that if the bacteria continues to reside in your unused portion of the tummy after surgery it becomes even more resistant to treatment. Also this bacteria is the precursor to stomach ulcers. With a very new pouch you dont want anything in there either that might lead to the forming of ulcers. I went through the Hpylori treatment 3 times! Once way before surgery and then mentioned it to my surgeon that I had had it a couple of years earlier and low & behold it was there and it took 2 treatments to get rid of it. Good luck to you!
   — SARose61

August 27, 2004
How are they re-testing? The blood test can show + for years after treatment. There is a breath test or biopsy that can give a better result.
   — jenafwife

August 29, 2004
Hi Laurie, I started have extreme pain in my upper part of the stomach and was tested for h-pylori. It was positive and the treatment was pretty bad but I made it through it. I was told that you will test positive from now on and most people unless they are having problems don't go through the treatment anyway. I've heard the only way to know for sure is by the breath test another post mentioned. It was very costly. Come to find out this wasn't my problem anyway. Hope that helps.
   — lisab07

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