How long from TT consult to surgery? What did it cost?

I have a PS cosult on Sept 16 and was wondering how log it took from first visit to surgery? ALos what did just a TT cost?I am a bit eager here! Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 23, 2004
My process was almost 6 months from consult to surgery. I had to do battle with my insurance company, and wait for summer vacation from school to do it. I think the usual is a little less for most who are self-pay. I don't know about the cost for those who go that route.
   — Fixnmyself

August 23, 2004
It took 4 weeks for insurance approval and then I scheduled my surgery date 6 weeks from that point, so a total of 10 weeks. Insurance covered all but my upper abdominalplasty, but during surgery they realized I didn't need the upper after they did the lower so the surgeon is refunding the fee for the upper.
   — ckreh

August 23, 2004
I was able to pick my day once I had approval. My approval process was three weeks. Insurance paid for below the belly button and I paid for above the belly button $4000.00 I did this because I wanted a complete effect. I thought I would look stupid with a roll over my flat belly. So far one month out and it looks great.
   — sarah C.

August 23, 2004
I had full TT (muscle repair) was less than 2 weeks from consultation to the surgery table. I will be 4 months post op in 4 days and I feel and look great! He only removed 2 pounds, but the results were awesome. I was a size 4 pre op and now a size 2. Very little swelling. I walked out flat as a board and remain so, only now I have a concave tummy. Doing several hundred ab crunches daily and the tummy is showing definite signs of becoming a six pack. lol Not bad for 54! The surgery was $5500. My insurance covered due to rashes.
   — Hazel S.

August 24, 2004
I had my first consultation the beginning of May. I had to appeal a denial by my insurance company - and it went to the QI committee (panel of physicians and an HR person) rather than the regular appeals committee (3 docs minimum, teleconference). The denial was reversed (end of May) and I had surgery at the beginning of August. You will get all kinds of answers on this, because it will depend on so many different factors - insurance, when and where the surgeon can get your surgery scheduled, etc. Good luck!
   — koogy

August 24, 2004
Wendy, I had my first consult with plastic surgeon on August 5th and heard I was approved by my ins company less than two weeks later. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday (Sept 3rd). So, from first consult til surgery is less than a month. I don't know what the total cost will be as my ins company is paying for it all. Hope this helps.
   — Jeannie4

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