Anyone covered by Aetna with depression required to have a psych eval prior to bypass

   — Lucinda K. (posted on February 1, 2004)

February 1, 2004
hi there all i can do is (speak about my own journey) but im pretty sure a phyc evaluation is just part of the process i had to jump thru the hoops too.and from what ive read on here just about everyone else had to go through this also. it was not so bad the doctors just want to know if we will be able to handle the drastic changes in our lives post op good luck with everything i hope it all works out
   — bryan

February 1, 2004
I have been on prozac for depression for quite a few years and so was a bit worried about the required psych evaluation but all they wanted to be sure of was that I was aware of what I was doing and that the depression was under control...I have Aetna .
   — Kathy S.

February 1, 2004
I think most require a psych eval to be sure that you understand the commitment to the life change. Also because most surgeries cause a certain amount of depression and I am sure it is to make sure you are ready for this life long commitment. Nancy
   — nefish

February 1, 2004
I have Aetna and I am Bipolar and have been on multiple meds for years. I was denied at my first request for WLS but not due to my diagnosis or because of the meds. Aetna was fine with my psychiatrist letter stating that I am and have been stable for quite some time. Its just required by lots of insurance companies with/without history of meds to get a psych eval. (ps I was denied due to not documenting diet/exercise history dr.supervised - working on that now) GOOD LUCK!
   — leslee4567

February 2, 2004
I have Aetna EPO (HMO based plan) and they told me that it was not required. However I opted to get one as my luck that would have been what they based their denial on. I was approved Christmas Eve 2003 on the first request with no hassles at all. Also on Aetna's CPD it states that if you have been treated for depression you must have a psych eval. They are a piece of cake and it was pretty informative for me. My doc's letter was awesome and said things about me that I never would have thought of before. I came out of the whole eval feeling much better about myself and my decision. Good luck to you! Tiff (245 - Lap RNY 2-17-04, only 15 more days tp go!)
   — Tiffany B.

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