Very very nervous!!

Okay, here is my big question. I'm searched the library and didn't get alot of help. This new years I went to a college friend's new years eve party. I was just planning on drinking my last few drinks, everyone else however was smoking marijuana in every room. I didn't, but couldn't exactly just leave since I was intoxicated. I'm so nervous that since I was around it that it's in my system. Do they do a drug test at your pre-op testing? Is this going to prevent my from having surgery? My pre-op testing is this Thursday. I've been beating myself up about this, but I had no idea it was going to be such a problem...I feel like I have messed up horribly. Someone please help!!    — Mandy K. (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 5, 2004
Mandy: I can understand your nervousness about this. It's frightening when we think something might mess up our surgeries, since it takes so much effort and time to get there. Is there someone in your surgeon's office whom you could talk to about this? They should be able to tell you what you will be tested for. From a common-sense standpoint, it doesn't seem that this episode should jeopardize your surgery. On the other hand, some surgeons are pretty fussy about everything. I think I'd explain my story and see what they say. Good luck.
   — Carlita

January 5, 2004
Alcohol and Marijuana stay in your system for about 3 days. They normally do not check for drugs when you go into the hospital for routine surgeries.
   — M B.

January 6, 2004
I wouldn't worry about it. First off, I can't imagine they would do a drug test. I don't think that's normal on the pre-op testing list. Secondly, especially if you weren't smoking it, I doubt you could have inhaled enough to show up. I am sorry to admit that when I was 16, I smoked one joint with a few people and went for a drug test 3 days later that I passed!
   — emilyfink

January 6, 2004
Mandy, as a researcher who has performed many drug "finding" test I can tell you that by simply being in a room of cannibus smokers it won't get in your system. Cannibus stays in the system for 30 days depending on the amount of ounces ingested. However, if someone does smoke or us drugs it is to their disadvantage to not tell their surgeon, esp. the anesthesiologist!
   — Anna M.

January 6, 2004
No Worries! You couldnt inhale enough for it to register on a drug test! Furthermore, I have never heard of drug tests being performed pre-surgery. I work with AIDS patients - if they tested them for pot before every surgery - none of my clients would ever have surgery performed!! 99% of them smoke pot! lol. Anyway, no worries....just focus on your new life and awesome Bod awaiting you! :-)
   — MissKimberly

January 7, 2004
I realize many people have said you could not have inhaled enough smoke to test positive for the drug HOWEVER I have a friend who recently lost his job for this very thing. He and his wife were on an all day road trip where she smoked pot and he did not, he was givin a random drug test and tested positive for the drug. Now his company uses a lower number than the fedral government recognizes and so I am not sure how that plays into this. I just thought I would share that with you. I also know if you are really concrned there are ways to wash the substance our of your system.
   — Angie Taylor

January 7, 2004
Mandy, I just had my pre-op testing 2 days ago, and this is what they did to me: The scans were an EKG, chest x-rays, an upper GI (drink barium, then doc takes pics...nastiest part of the tests), and a gall bladder/liver/kidney/aorta ultra sound. The blood tests were CBC (complete blood count), CMP (complete metabolic profile), T3, T4, TSH (thyroid profile), and a serum H pylori (whatever that is). None of these tests measured for drugs (cuz I would have come up positive for codeine...I seem to injure my knees and ankle a lot and the doc prescribes tylenol 3). Also, I did not have to take a urine test, which is the normal means of testing for drugs. Now, all this being said, your doc is not the same as mine, but these were pretty comprehensive tests, so I imagine your doc will order something similar. Hope this makes you feel better. Good luck with your tests and your surgery!
   — Susan B.

April 1, 2004
Mandy, please don't be nervous. They are not going to test you for weed before your surgery. And contrary to what some of the other posters have said, there is absolutely no way for you to inhale enough second hand smoke to show up on a test. If you were a total pot head (smoking it everyday) then you would expect about a 30 day clean out period. If you had smoked a joint yourself, but it was the only one you'd smoked in months, you could turn around and pass a drug test two days later. You have nothing to worry about!
   — Kelle W

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